Apr 20, 2007 04:27
I had a dream last night that I was 9 months pregnant and it was my due date.
A family friend was also there in the house with us. She was also pregnant and very far along.
I was extremely worried and scared and nervous since today was the day I was supposed to give birth. I was on the edge of my seat waiting to go into labor so I could go to the hospital. In the meantime our family friend went into labor and they had to rush her to the hospital. I was with my mom and my dad and my grandmother.
I was hungry, but afraid to eat because i wanted to be empty during the birthing process. We were watching t.v. when my stomach started hurting really bad. And then I started getting more scared. My mom assured me everything would be fine. So we go on our way to the hospital.
On the way to the hospital my family gets killed in a horrible car accident.
Somehow I wander away from the wreckage, the sole survivor, in labor, trying to think of a way to get to the hospital. There's no one in the area and no one saw the wreck. I have to find a phone, but this area's deserted. So, I walk back to my house and try to call my friends.
I get a hold of Steph and I calmly explain to her that I'm in labor and my parents were just killed in a car accident and I'm all alone.
She says, "I'll be there as soon as possible."
That's all I can remember. Why do I have dreams like that. I used to have a lot more devestating nightmares. I wonder if it has to do with the medication. It seems like when I take the Zoloft I have a lot more dreams about meeting and hanging out with bands and band members and going to concerts. Then as soon as I run out of it again and dont take it for a couple days I have nightmares.
This is the most horrible dream I've had in a while and it's been haunting me all day.