Charlie, Nick and I made a Tremors Cake the other day. It was fun, even though I had to do most of the work. The only job I gave Charlie was to heat some butter and put it in the bowl. After we stirred all the ingredients together he pointed out that the butter was still sitting there on the counter, unheated.
They did make the Tremor blood. Yellow Jello pudding, dyed orange with hot sauce.
I also made no-bake cookies.
We took them to Sean Hagwell's, and they were a hit.
Sean is pretty nice. He takes pictures.
I am always glad when someone else takes pictures.
"There are two types of people, Brenda. Those who take pictures and those who have pictures taken of them."
-Steven Gentry
Zach is having troubles with his womanfriend, so I brought him some cookies, and sat in his room and listened to his music.
He told me that he appreciated my friendship.
I barely even know him.