Sunday Brunch with Herself

Jul 03, 2007 00:29

This weekend was devoted nearly entirely to fandom (I was up at 9 and not home until midnight on Saturday), and so to continue the trend I had brunch with herself_nyc. I live all the way uptown in Northern Manhattan, so I hopped the train and headed on down to the West Village to pay her a visit. It was a beautiful day, if not a bit chilly and breezy. I was delighted to find upon walking in to her apartment a naughty little porny tableau she created of her Spike and Angel dolls on top of her TV. The boys looked like they were quite enjoying themselves!

The boys sharing an intense moment...

Drat! They twigged to my presence!

Herself, Traddles, and me at the Charles St. Pier. It was hella windy, as you can see.

I also got to meet the lovely Miss Traddles, who later accompanied us to the Charles St. pier after brunch. Over pancakes and a tuna fish sandwich, we discussed fanfic, writing, New York, etc. The conversation was fantastic and after going over some ideas with Herself on my current short WIP "All Wrong," she had some very helpful suggestions about pacing and plotting.

After we parked ourselves at the pier for a bit,jdkitchen recovered enough from his hangover the previous day to meet us. I had to head to Bleeker St. to meet my co-writer for the journalism story I'm working on, so after a stop for strawberry lemonade at a local coffee joint, I bid Herself, Lostboy and Traddles farewell. When I got to Shea's apartment, we put on our editing hats and tackled the article, which had to loose about 1000 words. I've never edited an article with another journalist and it was just so great. We were totally vibing off each other and did two passes in an hour and a half. You know you're getting all geeky when you start chatting about the finer points of AP style and compare fiction notebooks. Apparently, LB finds it quaint and charming that I write many of the scenes in my fics by hand in a notebook I carry about with me. My commute to work is an hour one way, so my subway ride is usually the best time to try and hash out ideas.

After leaving Shea's at around 4, the weather was nice and I took a walk from Bleeker and Morton, which is not too far from West 4th St, to 34th St. and 8th. That's where Madison Square Garden is located and is a pretty good walk at that.

meeting members of the fandom, picspam, fandom love

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