Fic Master List - Menstruation in the Buffyverse

Sep 26, 2009 15:54

Blood has always been an important element in the supternatural and magical context of the Buffyverse. As Spike says in The Gift, "It's always got to be blood. Blood is life. Why do you think we eat it? It's what keeps you going. Makes you warm. Makes you hard. Makes you other than dead."

And, yet, on a show where blood was central to the conflict ( Read more... )

bloodplay, recs, fic master list, menstruation

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Comments 61

lynnalso September 27 2009, 19:29:00 UTC
We all remember School Hard. Xander finds a tampon in Buffy's purse and Spike says "I smell the blood of a nice ripe girl" and launched a thousand ships.


clawofcat September 27 2009, 19:55:02 UTC
Thanks for bringing that up. I actually hadn't put two and two together regarding Spike's comment until I read this post about School Hard over at fantas_magoria by moscow_watcher.

It's unfortunate that it's one of the only comments we got about menstruation in the whole series. So many girls, only two male vampires. You'd think it'd be an issue.

BTW, where'd you come across this post? I'm trying to figure out ways to get the message out there that will generate more links. There's got to be Buffy/Angel fics that deal with this. I just don't happen to know of any :(


lynnalso September 27 2009, 22:03:19 UTC
I read it at Musings of the Motheaten and thanks for all the recs, mostly old favs I am now rereading.


lizziebuffy2008 September 27 2009, 21:07:53 UTC
There is an older Spuffy fic by Night Melody that has a blood play/menstruation scene. I think it is called "Fueled Enchantment." It was on Sinister Attraction and maybe The Sandlot.


cordykitten September 27 2009, 21:17:59 UTC
clawofcat September 27 2009, 22:52:33 UTC
Thanks for the links, Cordy. I'll check it out and see if it's what I'm looking for. And Sandlot didn't work for me either. Looks like the consent page is broken.


clawofcat September 27 2009, 22:51:11 UTC
Thanks for letting me know! I'll check it out.


cordykitten September 27 2009, 21:11:57 UTC
I did a short search @ TSR (BSV+EF) because I'm not always good to remember titles (especially when the stories are short ones). I've found

Delicacies For The Undead by pattyanne


clawofcat September 27 2009, 22:54:31 UTC
Thanks for your help. Someone else pointed out the Pattyanne fic to me, as well.


cordykitten September 28 2009, 16:57:23 UTC
I searched for "Patty" in your entry and comments and didn't see it yet.

If you need places to ask (I haven't been through my F-List yet), not sure if you already did):
This comms are for recs or had entries posted where someone asked for recs. But check it out yourself.
spuffy_lovin does a poll regarding the recs but didn't post new fics since January ( ... )


clawofcat September 28 2009, 18:52:40 UTC
I searched for "Patty" in your entry and comments and didn't see it yet.
Yes, it was suggested in a separate post, and I haven't had a chance to update the list yet. I hesitate to add it only because it's a PWP. I'd like to have fics here that really say something about the significance of the blood, the process, or the characters themselves, so I'm screening the entries to see if I think they meet what I'm looking for, if that makes sense.

And thanks very much for all the comm suggestions! I was going to wait to see if it's up on today's SU Herald and, if not, drop a link. I'm in serious need of B/A fics for this list, so I figure someome that reads it might know of some.


deadsoul820 September 30 2009, 00:48:53 UTC
I've completely forgotten how to html links but I've got an old epic Spike/Sunday story I wrote in my memories (and various other places around the web) with a chapter dealing with menstruation. Following is a link to the first chapter of the story:

Here's the the specific chapter:

The story is called Sunday Girl and it's a series prequel set in 1977. NC17, needless to say.


clawofcat October 1 2009, 17:30:18 UTC
Thanks for dropping the link. Spike/Sunday is such a neat idea. What made you want to write the pairing together?

Also, great chapter. I'll update the list shortly.


deadsoul820 October 2 2009, 02:15:52 UTC
Why I wanted to write Spike/Sunday is a long story having to do with a group fic I was writing with the ATPo bunch in the summer between seasons 5 and 6. I wanted one of the characters to be pre-series Sunday as a madam in a fanged four story set in Old West Sunnydale and I got shouted down by the other writers so I took my ball, went home and wrote my own story.

(Just kidding, I kept on writing with the group and wrote my own story on the side.)

For a while, I'm the only person writing Spike/Sunday that I know of. Later, a few others wrote a story or two with the pairing.

Part of the appeal to me was that I wanted a situation where Spike could be a dom for once, rather than forever Buffy or Angelus' sub. I wanted to see him with a vampire less experienced than him who wasn't Harmony.

Anywhoodle, way more info, I'm sure, than you wanted, but I'm glad you liked the chapter.


coppersinger October 5 2009, 04:35:40 UTC
Here via your Chosenfics post. I know of some (very) old school B/A ones of the extraordinarily plotless variety:

Sare Liz Gordy: Sacrificial Lamb and Hot Chocolate and Angels

Lady Sirona: Cycles

Copper: Relief Mine, sadly - the things one will do on a dare. [rolls eyes]

Which is not to say any of these are either good or bad, just that they fit your criteria. ;p


clawofcat October 14 2009, 03:44:52 UTC
Sorry for the late response. I've been up to my eyeballs in ficathons and betaing, so I only just got to your comment. Thanks very much for compiling and dropping a number of links. Hopefully I'll have some time over the weekend to read them over and see if they're what I'm after.


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