Title: Draw Back Your Bow
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: AtS S1 during "Five By Five"
Pairing: Faith/Drusilla, Drusilla/OC
Warnings: Violence and sexual situations
Words: 1929
Summary: While preparing for her showdown with Angel, Faith is confronted by a mysterious woman with a keen interest in her dark side.
A/N: Written for shapinglight, who
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Thank you very much.
People always make Dru too weak but you didn't fall into that trap.
No one should ever underestimate a crazy person. Dru is quite deadly in her own right, partly because she seems so fragile. She's not much of a fighter, but she can be tricky. Can you imagine if Dru sired vamp!Faith? Good Lord. That would be so wrong and fascinating. I shudder to think of what they'd get up to.
Like calls to like, I suppose.
Absolutely. Dru is drawn to her. Even though LA is smoggy, the stars still whisper to Dru ;)
:shudder: I'd rather like to read that, I think.
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