Ouch and more ouch

Nov 15, 2008 17:57

Friday morning I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed. It was a... mixed experience. Once they had me in the room, they hooked me up to monitors that tracked my vital signs, complete with dings and beeps and the squiggely line machine doo dad that tracks your heart rhythm. They also had to hook me up to an IV, which was difficult. Two ( Read more... )

wisdom teeth, meeting members of the fandom, picspam

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Comments 44

auntyk November 16 2008, 01:46:51 UTC
I know your pain and your imitation as a cabbage patch doll. My cheeks/jaws went out in all directions so the picture I have is a laugh-riot. The perm from the 80's doesn't help :)


clawofcat November 16 2008, 02:33:58 UTC
LOL, I do look like a Cabbage Patch Doll. I always thought they were really scary looking, like something went a little off when they were developing.

My cheeks/jaws went out in all directions so the picture I have is a laugh-riot.
Perhaps I should start a "recuperation" pic meme. Check me out... at my worst!


spankulert November 16 2008, 02:10:18 UTC
OUCH! Hope it'll go down and you'll feel better soon.


clawofcat November 16 2008, 02:36:05 UTC
Aw, sweet Tara/Willow kissy face icon! *loves*

I hope the swelling goes down, too. It makes my cheeks feel very taught, like they're stuffed full of marshmellows or something.


mere_ubu November 16 2008, 02:54:02 UTC
Poor darling chipmunk baby! *clucks over you* Oral surgery is teh suck. I was awake when I had mine out, but they gave me a big dose of Valium about an hour beforehand; I remember hearing teeth break and thinking, "lalalala, whatever." *sends thanks to Valium gods* Your experience sounds very stressful. I hope the drugs and ice do their work quickly for you. You should feel much, much better by this time next week. Gentle hugs and milk shakes without straws to you.


clawofcat November 17 2008, 19:48:00 UTC
*snuggles* I'll always take the doting of mama Mere. I imagine myself as a little cat curled up in your lap, tail and paws tucked in tight so that I'm just a ball of fur. *purrs*

The last two nights since posting this I've gotten very little sleep. Only 3-4 hours. I just got switched onto Vicodin since the Codeine wasn't packing any punch at all. We'll see how that goes over. Swelling is better, but still very noticeable. Bruises are also dark. I'll probably work from home tomorrow, since I still look like the victim of domestic abuse.

milk shakes without straws to you
LOL. Yes! Dry socket is baaaad.


mere_ubu November 20 2008, 02:13:15 UTC
*pets you* You feeling any better today, bebe? I hope so. Vicodin is some good shit but can be pretty nauseating if you don't eat enough with it or try to be too active while taking it. May you not need the meds for much longer!


clawofcat November 20 2008, 03:41:24 UTC
Ya, feeling better. Swelling has gone down. Now it's just the left cheek that's still bothering me. Things should be pretty normal by the weekend.

I didn't like the vicodin at all! It made me feel sick. I took it once and that was it. It lingered in my system for awhile, too. The effects didn't wear off for six hours. Do you happen to know the going rate for vicodin? I have a whole bottle. I should just sell the rest off...


zygomat_smile November 16 2008, 04:14:38 UTC
Oh, hun, OUCH!!
I sympathise with the IV; every time I try to give blood or have to get an IV, they have to poke me at least three times. And it usually bruises a lot. Codeine doesn't work for me either...Advil was my best friend after my surgery.
Keep icing, and I hope you start feeling better tomorrow!!
*snuggles gently*


zygomat_smile November 16 2008, 04:19:39 UTC
Oh, and my bf says be thankful you were put under for the experience. He wasn't. So imagine all the stuff you're going through, PLUS being able to feel all the large needles in your mouth and yanking/cutting out your teeth. Maybe it'll make you feel a little better?
*more snuggles and slips you some morphine*


clawofcat November 17 2008, 19:52:29 UTC
They did give me the option to stay awake, but I didn't want to know about any of that. All the drilling and cutting sounds would have given me nightmares!


clawofcat November 17 2008, 19:50:36 UTC
Thanks for the well wishes. I've been taking Aleve, which has been working better than the Codeine. They just switched me onto Vicodin today, so we'll see how that goes. I'm a little nervous about taking it. =/ I'm not sure if I'm prepared to be totally knocked on my ass.


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clawofcat November 17 2008, 19:54:59 UTC
Mraw... Still hurts, Tibi. But in that tingly, all the tissues are trying to heel and knit and get better type of way. Sort of a chronic burning sensation. The swelling is down, so I suspect things will be much improved by Wednesday.


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