Memorable BtVS Objects

Sep 13, 2008 17:08

This past week I've been out and about evenings after work, so there hasn't been any time to work on fic. But when I opened up a few potential documents today, I feel like the wind's been knocked out of my sails. Writing Pre-Nuptial Bliss took a lot out of me and now here I am on a relaxing weekend pouting, not knowing what to write. It's annoying ( Read more... )


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ellan_vannin September 13 2008, 22:52:43 UTC
I thought this would be a simple question to answer, but it really gave me pause. I couldn't come up with a single object that held more symbolism for me than what was already obvious on the show. I'm not sure if this is because material objects mean comparatively little to me in my own life (even though they have a tendency to pile up) or if I just don't think in those terms.

Places are more important to me for the memories that went in them. Joyce's bedroom, for instance, gets a gut reaction from me for being a sanctuary of bittersweet emotion. Buffy's L.A. apartment in "Anne", for much the same reason. The church Angel imagines his wedding to Buffy in (and her immolation outside of). Spike's cave-dwelling retreat with Harmony, which makes me cringe but I can't help being fascinated by it (like a train wreck).

It doesn't take Freud to figure out it's because in the dozens of moves I've made, too many objects were lost or destroyed and I pretty ruthlessly burned "sentimental value" from my vocabulary at a young age. But places are my emotional connection. So when they do things like blow them up on my fave t.v. shows, I blubber like a baby!


clawofcat September 14 2008, 19:06:10 UTC
I am quite devilish that way, tripping people up with seamingly obvious questions >:D I love thoughtful conversation.

Interesting thoughts about the importance of place on BtVS. We become very familiar with the locales the Buffy gang spend time in because, well, there aren't very many. The library, Revello Drive, Xander's basement, Spike's crypt, the Magic Box, the Bronze, Angel's mansion. Buffy's world is a fairly small place and we get attached to the sets they frequently visit, where their lives play out, whether good or bad.

Joyce's bedroom is a rather sad affair. Not only was it Joyce's room, but it later becomes Willow and Tara's. A teary moment for me was when Willow animates Tara's clothing on their bed and embraces it as she cries. And, then, of course there is Tara's untimely death in that very bedroom. Certainly some sad memories associated with that place.

Spike's cave-dwelling retreat with Harmony
God, what was that about? It was such a weird place for them to stay since I wouldn't have really pegged it for either of their styles.

too many objects were lost or destroyed and I pretty ruthlessly burned "sentimental value" from my vocabulary
Recently, I've thought of revisiting a late S7 Faith gen fic that I wanted to work on and was rewatching "Dirty Girls." Faith glibly commetns to Buffy that it's "the same old house" to which Buffy responds that "every window and piece of furniture has been destroyed and replaced." When it comes to homes, is it really about the stuff that clutters a house or the place itself and the people in it?

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.


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