Fic ~ The Hard Choices (1/1)

Sep 01, 2008 18:38

Note to flist: My LJ cuts are fucked up. This is pissing me off a great deal. I am posting from a computer I usually don't use. It's possible the font and format of the story might be slightly different than normal. Apologies.

Title: The Hard Choices
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: Season 5, Forever
Rating: PG
Characters: Buffy, Angel, Joyce
Summary: Angel ( Read more... )

the hard choices, fantas_magoria, fic, gen fic

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clawofcat September 4 2008, 02:05:48 UTC
Angel's take on Joyce is fascinating.
I'm glad you think so. In canon, we have Spike and Joyce, who interact relatively frequently and their relationship has been much explored in fandom. But, as far as I know, we've got nothing on the Angel-Joyce relationship, so I wanted to explore that a bit here. Angel being Angel, I imagine he would have a lot of guilt about his behavior toward her, which was less than stellar.

One canon moment between them that I did not reference in this piece (I think the only one) was from Lover's Walk, in which Joyce is in the kitchen listening to Spike commiserate about Dru when Angel shows up and demands to be let in. She refuses. I think this fic shows that it was certainly for good reason.

that's not the main reason she disliked Angel. That was all about being a mother.
Joyce doesn't get to "mother" a lot on the show given how defiant Buffy is. Her authority is generally rebuked. But all of these scenes between her and Angel are just that - between her and Angel. She really steps up as the mother and I really respect Joyce for that.

That last paragraph is haunting.
Isn't it? I always think Angel must have been crushed when he hears the news of Buffy's death, especialy because in the gravesite scene she asks him to stay, but by mutual agreement he leaves. He must feel a lot of guilt. I've always wanted to write about it.


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