Ficlet ~ Burn Marks

Aug 26, 2008 22:00

Title: Burn Marks
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: Season 6, Post-Wrecked
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Word Count: 705
Warnings: Violent sex
Summary: A sequel to The Cross. Buffy takes out her tumultuous emotions on Spike with surprising results.

A/N: Written as a follow-up ficlet to my entry for 
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fantas_magoria, burn marks, ficlet, fic, spuffy

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clawofcat September 2 2008, 01:09:50 UTC
Heh, this fic keeps you thinking about these two, eh? You could tie knots in your thoughts trying to figure out what went wrong, who did wrong, etc. when it comes to this relationship. There really is no right answer.

He loved her and gave her the opportunity, time and space that Buffy could use to vent her 'cycle of self-loathing' until she could heal herself.
I was just thinking, how different is this from Buffy's behavior after she's killed by The Master and after she kills Angel? Distance seems to be a big factor in Buffy being able to cope with tragedy. She literally has to remove herself from her life in order to work things out. In the first two instances she runs, goes to LA, once to stay with her father for the summer and the other as a runaway. She doesn't have that option in S6, so Spike provides the only "distant" space available to Buffy. I hadn't thought of this before you mentioned it. Also, if we look at her behavior during When She Was Bad, I feel like we should have seen what was coming after her resurrection. She's carrying around a lot of hurt and violence then, too. It isn't until she literally smashes and destroys the bones of The Master does she have closure.


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