Ficlet ~ Burn Marks

Aug 26, 2008 22:00

Title: Burn Marks
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: Season 6, Post-Wrecked
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Word Count: 705
Warnings: Violent sex
Summary: A sequel to The Cross. Buffy takes out her tumultuous emotions on Spike with surprising results.

A/N: Written as a follow-up ficlet to my entry for 
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fantas_magoria, burn marks, ficlet, fic, spuffy

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dragonflylady77 August 27 2008, 03:45:10 UTC
Not sure Spike enjoyed the cross all that much, except for the part that it was what Buffy wanted.


clawofcat August 27 2008, 04:38:09 UTC
Nah, he didn't enjoy it. I actually really wasn't intending to write anything more of this, but while I was working on another ficlet this continuation just grabbed me by the (figurative) balls and muscled its way onto the page. I'm not even sure this is what I had in mind when I was thinking about their after-encounter the other night. This was what came out, regardless.

Writing is weird. Sometimes it's very much what you intend and other times you just don't know where it comes from, like possession. I will admit, when you just get swept along by an idea and don't have to think about it too much, it's a lot easier!


dragonflylady77 August 27 2008, 14:07:15 UTC
You know, the more I talk with authors, the more I get that this writing thing just takes you where it wants to go.

I only ever wrote 1215 words and then it stopped. Maybe one day I'll finish that fic, if you can call it that..

In the meantime, I just read lots and review lots too. ^_^


snowpuppies August 28 2008, 03:08:10 UTC
and other times you just don't know where it comes from, like possession.

I adore it when that happens. Seriously.

I would almost say that I do my best work then, but there are a few pieces that's I've labored over for weeks and months that are equally as good, so maybe it's just more thrilling.

Dunno, exactly, but it's definitely the high that keeps me coming back.


clawofcat August 28 2008, 04:27:56 UTC
Agreed. There are pieces that I love that came as though they were pulled from thin air (By A Thread), and then others that I labored over for weeks and are now considered some of my best work (Window-Dressing). Either way doesn't seem to affect the quality of the product (necessarily), but it sure is easier when the fic faerie comes and poofs it into existence!

I've always thought writing was like magic. Where do the words come from? Sometimes it feels like you're channeling something beyond yourself. Pretty amazing.


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