Title: The Cross Author: ClawofCat Timing: Season 6, Post-Wrecked Rating: PG Pairing: Implied B/A and B/S Word Count: 360 Summary: Today she chooses something different. Today she wears a cross.
Thanks for reading. It is heartbreaking for Buffy. Memories of Angel cause her pain and her relationship with Spike causes her shame. The girl really can't win. *pets her*
Can you tell me where this illustration in your icon here (Spuffy w/ red background) came from? Not even so much the icon itself as the painting of the two of them; it certainly looks like a painting. Perhaps photoshopped. It's far more gorgeous than anything produced for the *cough* comics, even Jo Chen's artwork. (if this person - is it you - had been the illustrator, then at least they'd be worth looking at aesthetically. the story is another matter, of course.)
That icon came from a manip'd banner that Tamakin created years ago. Not sure if she's still active, but totally check out her journal if it's not friend-locked. She was one of the best manippers out there a few years ago. Same with Shanmara. Really stunning work.
Beautifully written!
Perfect icon for this fic, btw!
Joss Whedon could at least have let her be happy with one of them.
And Thanks. The icon was made by moscow_watcher
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