In Dreams ~ Drabble (2/4)

May 03, 2008 00:28

We continue on with part two of the series. This time William dreams...

Title: In Dreams (William)
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: Pre-Series
Rating: PG

William dreams of possession, a lover to put him first.

Like chess pieces he’s moved, circulated to each waiting hand, a high stakes poker chip to be won. Never a man, always a boy or a lad, he lives beneath ( Read more... )

fic, in dreams, drabble

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sevendeadlyfun May 3 2008, 05:54:12 UTC
This one is interesting, but I found it a bit muddled. Canon tells us that William gave way fairly quickly to Spike, most likely as a defense mechanism against Angelus' cruelties. In that respect I think Spike and Drusilla are a great deal alike and that you point it out is both poignant and wonderful. In a a twisted way, I get a better sense of why the family fell apart after Angelus got his soul. He really was the bizarrely twisted glue that bound them all together ( ... )


clawofcat May 3 2008, 16:51:58 UTC
I envisioned this POV to be on the cusp of vamp William's transformation into Spike. I wanted to track his resolve to change and why he comes to his decision. I took a lot of the inspiration for this from the flashback scenes in "Destiny" and the first few days of William's existence in the family. He basically is mocked for his weakness and romantic fancies. He quickly learns that Drusilla, his "love," is anything but ( ... )


sevendeadlyfun May 3 2008, 19:22:54 UTC
After our discussion on the perils of concrit and how we don't do it, I've resolved to do it when I think its appropriate. Sometimes someone writes porn just to write porn and so they don't particularly care if I think the characterization is off. It's a fap fic and that's all. And I do love those, don't get me wrong ( ... )


clawofcat May 3 2008, 19:52:06 UTC
After our discussion on the perils of concrit and how we don't do it, I've resolved to do it when I think its appropriate.
Good plan. Snowy asked me a few weeks ago to concrit her Faith/Connor fic, and i felt a little weird doing it since it was on her LJ that we had the discussion. But she assured me it was all good and actually went back to revise because of my comments. In those instances you feel good about being able to help out.

eleventy!LMAO. Eleventy? My dad sometimes uses that in jest when he tries to come up with a large number. Like, eleventy billion. Has someone actually ever said eleventy in comments before? Cause that would be hilarious and sad ( ... )


sevendeadlyfun May 3 2008, 20:01:08 UTC
what might he desire if not someone to be his romantic equal?

See, that's what I'm not sure of...that he desires an equal. In his romantic relationships (with Buffy and Drusilla), he is in some form or another playing the knight-errant. His deeds are done in their name, thus the power in that relationship belongs to them. He always seemed to me to be willing to subordinate himself to a greater (EDIT: a greater whole), indeed not just willing but eager. His behavior in the flashback scenes in "Destiny" show him as willing to fall in line in order to be accepted. Perhaps Spike's desire for possession is romantic, but also platonic? He wants to possess the admiration of those around him, Angelus and Darla as well as Drusilla?

I mean, I love Spike but he is a puffed-up little prick sometimes. Very strutting and preening and cock of the walk, while at the same time he's also incredibly fragile...I'm not sure a relationship of equals is something he could handle. Maybe post-NFA? After the soul has given him time to grow...


eowyn_315 May 3 2008, 22:39:44 UTC
Just chiming in to say that I think this is a spot-on analysis of Spike. Just because he's never had a relationship of equals doesn't mean it something he necessarily longs for. I think he's in so many "knight-errant" type relationships because he likes to feel needed. So maybe what he desires is not someone to put him first, but someone who lets him put her first without abusing it? Or appreciates the role Spike plays for them?

Or maybe Spike doesn't have a desire to possess anything... his desire is to be possessed?

ETA: Der... hit post before I was finished.


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