Acts of Contrition (aka only_passenger's bedtime story)

Apr 25, 2008 20:12

Title: Acts of Contrition
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: Season 7
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Summary: Set in the aftermath of “Showtime.” Spike realizes that all of his sacrifice has not been in vain. He’s given his pound of flesh for Buffy, but what gift can she give him in return?

A/N: This fic was written as a bedtime story for
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one shot, fic, spike/buffy, acts of contrition, spuffy

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Comments 83

pfeifferpack April 26 2008, 01:18:17 UTC
Just lovely! So visual and tender. Touch replaces tongue as they reach a place of understanding and forgivness. Just note perfect. I'd like to believe this sort of thing happened when she brought him home.



clawofcat April 26 2008, 21:51:52 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it. The last few days that meme has been floating around about your top favorite Jossverse moments. Buffy's rescue scene in "Showtime" definately ranked high for me. SMG's eyes just kill me when Spike realizes it's her. IMO that ep is a turning point for the Spuffy relationship for the rest of the season. I believe something profound must have happened between them between that ep and the next. So, this was my interpretation.


mere_ubu April 26 2008, 02:28:49 UTC
Well, I guess it's your turn to make me sniffle now, huh? This is just so sweet it hurts.

The whole thing is wonderful--so many beautiful little moments. I love the continuity of the butterfly imagery as it travels from Buffy to Spike and then their dreams.

The First could never dream of embodying her, could never understand the grace of her imperfections.

I especially like this--the idea that Buffy's very imperfectness is what he loves and that it can't be duplicated.


ayinhara April 26 2008, 02:54:59 UTC
Exactly right!


clawofcat April 26 2008, 22:04:04 UTC
Glad the readers are in agreement! Thanks for reading =)


slaymesoftly April 26 2008, 12:30:29 UTC
What you said!


fangfaceandrea April 26 2008, 03:20:13 UTC
beutiful, the kind of fic that makes you ache and feel wonderful at the same time.


clawofcat April 26 2008, 22:05:45 UTC
the kind of fic that makes you ache and feel wonderful at the same time
Aw, that's a lovely way of putting it. I think Spike would agree of your assessment. Thank you for reading.


kcarolj65 April 26 2008, 03:41:49 UTC
Gorgeous. I especially like the "Dead Things" reference - I spent much of Season 7 waiting for Buffy to acknowledge and express remorse for her ill-treatment of Spike in Season 6 in a specific way, rather than the implicit acknowledgement in choosing to help and trust him. So, this is total wish-fulfillment. Thank you so much!

It is such a joy to read your work.


clawofcat April 26 2008, 22:11:19 UTC
Yes! Wish-fulfillment is what fic is all about, IMO. Glad I could give you that bit of closure. I actually shortened the section that references "Dead Things." Initially, Spike was going to recall the rest of that monologue: "That's it. That's my girl" by I didn't think it was necessary. Everyone that read that new what was going on and what that acknowledgement would mean to Spike. Also, I totally love working in canon moments to my fiction. Just as in life, memories and the past play an important part in our heroes lives. It haunts them, those regrets, like it does for us all.


missus_grace April 26 2008, 06:26:38 UTC
I loved this. It was nice to see Dawn let go of her anger. And this was beautiful:
They don’t kiss so much as hold the position, lips open and pressed together, Buffy feeding him that newborn butterfly sailing upward on a light gust of wind. She knows he feels it when he breaks their kiss on a gasp. As it soars down into him, her palm presses itself to his chest, waiting for it to descend and fold its wings against his heart.


clawofcat April 26 2008, 22:16:30 UTC
It always bothered me that Spike and Dawn never reconciled on camera. It seemed like they should have. Chalk it up to one of the many S7 oversights. Post-"Showtime" struck me as a good opportunity to give them that closure though. And, yes, that bit with the metaphorical love butterfly is one of my favorite parts, too. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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