Tea for Two - (ficlet)

Nov 20, 2007 23:45

It's been forever since I posted any fic, and I have been getting antsy. I was looking through my files and found this little ficlet that was meant to be a scene in a larger story that I never completed. So I'm brushing it off for your reading pleasure. It's my first time writing Tara. How very exciting!

Title: Tea for Two
Author: ClawofCat
Timing: ( Read more... )

spike/tara, ficlet, fic

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Comments 15

ldyavalon November 21 2007, 05:31:41 UTC
If anybody could understand Spike's grief, it would be Tara.

Beautifully written :)


clawofcat November 21 2007, 05:43:13 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was really lovely writing this scene. Tara and Spike just make me go "awww." She's such a kind soul, so compassionate, and an influence that Spike could definately use in his life. I wish there was more Spara out there *turns to mush*


spankulert February 1 2008, 11:06:58 UTC
Beautiful fic. Loved how her offering to cleach his hair again towards the end conveyed so much of a deeper relationship. Tara really would have been the mother/caretaker of the household because it just comes so naturally to her.


clawofcat February 3 2008, 15:45:39 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's somewhat surprising to me that there aren't more fics set in the summers between seasons of BtVS. That's three or four months of accountetd Scoobie time that we were never shown, which creates the potential for so many possibilities. I believe that Tara likely did take up a lot of Joyce-like roles in Buffy's stead, and became the primary caretaker with Spike supplementing a lot of attention on Dawn. Given the amount of time we're meant to infer he spent with them, it makes sense to me that he and Tara would have developed a considerable bond over Dawn, at the very least. She has a beautiful kind soul, and I like thinking of their interactions in this way. She always was surprisingly nonjudgemental concerning Buffy's confession about sleeping with Spike, and even somewhat justified his love for her. *sigh* Never enough Spara in the world. Maybe I'll write some more of them in the future.


spankulert February 3 2008, 16:29:44 UTC
There aren't? Huh. I would have thought there'd be tons. Don't have much of an overview myself, just started reading/writing fic about 2 months ago so...

hehe she wasn't always so non-judgemental though. When they thought S/B was going on(ByffyBot incident) her reaction was more like "What? No. She's crazy!" It did always strike a wrong cord with me how hostile they got against Spike when she came back though, what with him hanging/fighting with them all summer.


caraway_ June 1 2008, 06:46:08 UTC
That was a lovely moment. Thanks!


clawofcat June 1 2008, 14:28:27 UTC
You're welcome. This scene is one of my favorites. It just makes me want to write more Tara. She's such a dear. If only a plot bunny or opportunity would arise!

Out of curiosity, how did you find your way to my LJ? I haven't seen you here before and I always like to get acquainted with everyone. :)


dragonflylady77 August 18 2008, 14:29:58 UTC
Hi! Thanks for linking me to this gorgeously sad story. I found it quite heartbreaking and beautiful. You wrote Tara so true.
I always did wonder too about the Spike hating in season 6 after he helped them all that summer. Maybe they felt so guilty about the ripping Buffy out of Heaven thing that they took it out on him cos he was there and in love with Buffy and formerly evil and quietly supportive and they hated that about him?

Have I mentioned I suck at analysing things?? :)


clawofcat August 19 2008, 05:02:54 UTC
Thanks for linking me to this gorgeously sad story. I found it quite heartbreaking and beautiful. You wrote Tara so true.Your welcome! And thanks for reading it. It's one of my personal favorites. After writing this I've really wanted to write Tara again, but alas, no plot bunnies have nipped me in the arse yet. I think it does follow the "Shallow Cuts" story quite well though. I'll pretend it's my personal canon ( ... )


dragonflylady77 August 19 2008, 08:36:15 UTC
Hey you're right.. Oh there was that time when Willow crashed the car with Dawn in it and Spike and Buffy arrived but he did seem to spend most of his time with just Buffy. Sad for Dawn really. Well, and him.

Re the last point, I always sucked at essays when I was at Uni cos of that. If people make me think about it, then yes, I get there, but by myself? I think my brain just enjoys it, yanno, top layer. I feel very dumb saying that.. Oh well.. *sigh*


lizette77 August 25 2008, 22:41:46 UTC
nice. I love s/t or even s&t do u have anymore? It's hard to find much spara. I'm really a diehard spuffy freak. But a good spara or spawn really hits the spot. Thxs


clawofcat August 25 2008, 23:38:37 UTC
I very much enjoy Spara, as well, but this is my only piece with the two of them to date. It's a relationship that I would love to explore further in the future.

I'm really a diehard spuffy freak.
Well, hee, if you look over to the right of my sidebar, it's pretty obvious that Spike and Buffy get starring roles in about half of my fics. But following them, Spawn is 100% my fave. And Faith/Angel and... lots of others. It's all about the het whoever it may be for me.


lizette77 August 26 2008, 16:22:25 UTC
I'm definitely gonna take a look at ur spuffy I just read "Out of Africa" *fans face*. Also I'm trying to write my first fic right now and I'm not sure how to find a beta. Any suggestions?


clawofcat August 26 2008, 16:44:08 UTC
I'm trying to write my first fic right now and I'm not sure how to find a beta. Any suggestions?
Sure! I guess the first question to ask is what pairing are you writing? The Bloodshedverse, which is a Spuffy archive, has a thread on their forum specifically for those either willing to beta or looking for a beta. If your story is Spuffy, you could make a post there advertising what the story is about and what you would like from a potential beta. Some people are great at grammar and typo/catching, others are better content editors (like myself) who can help with characterization, plot, pacing and style. When it comes to Spuffy, I would always specify whether it is canon or AU/AH as some people will flat out not read AH stories. Of course, there are plenty who will :)

If your story is not Spuffy (and even if it is), you could appeal to your flist for help, approach an author who you would like to work with as your beta, or post to riters_r_us. The community frequently discusses the mechanics of writing and many of its members are betas ( ... )


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