
Apr 20, 2010 12:52

I believe I am finally -- finally -- finished with all rounds of interviews for both positions I've been pursuing. It's been surprisingly exhausting. All that's left for me to do now is play the waiting game and see if either place wants to hire me. I hope they do. I hope at least one of them does. I would be happy at either place, but I do have a preference.

One job is filling a position on a technical writing team. The team is responsible for all the text-based documents that go out of the office to the clients, including contracts, policies, and marketing material. I would be joining a team of five people, and working on a variety of documents. This job would be text-only, and there would be no layout or design requirements.

The other job is for a specific project; I would be the one technical writer on this project team, and the documentation for the project would be my responsibility. I would decide the layout, and even have a hand in deciding the software used to create it, and what the finished deliverable will look like, in what format, all that stuff. It's more responsibility and more stress.

I think the latter job is a better career move, though, and it scares me a bit more than the former one does. The former job is... safer. I think I would be more comfortable there. But the "no design" elements of the job is actually a minus; I think my visual design is the weakest of my professional skills, and simply not doing it for a year isn't going to help me get any better at it. Plus, I found at Mercer that the design elements really helped break up some of the monotony that can happen with a writing job.

I've found that I tend to do well when I challenge myself, and step slightly out of my comfort zone, so I'm leaning heavily towards preferring the project-focused job (although I would be happy to get either).

All I have to do now is wait.
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