Jan 08, 2022 11:54
Luna had a bad day yesterday. She refused all food, even treats, and I couldn't get her to take her medication even with pieces of hot dog, cheese, or peanut butter. For the first time in my life, I had to force a pill down a dog's throat. Also, in the evening, she was shivering on and off. She was not cold, or anxious. I think she was in some discomfort.
I was pretty much of the mind that if she didn't improve in the morning, I would be calling the mobile vet and saying goodbye.
She did improve this morning. She took her meds with no fuss (a piece of hot dog), and started accepting treats. She still wasn't eating any actual food first thing, but after a slow start and a brief trip to the local dog park, she did eat about half her meal at about 11am, which I will take. I haven't noticed her shivering at all, and she's back to wagging her tail and being a dork.
But good god damn do I sometimes wish that decline (and, conversely, healing) were fucking linear. These ups and downs are exhausting. She slept with us in the bed last night and just about every time I woke up (which was frequently), I would sit up, pet her, feel her breathing, and then slowly settle back down. When she got up around 3am and started gagging (a very brief but very common thing for her now) I think I was on my feet before I was even fully awake.
So. Yeah. I'm exhausted.
cancer sucks