Rosh Hashana

Sep 20, 2009 16:36

"Single-mindedness can propel a person with a lesser mind to greater achievements than a person with a greater mind who is not as focused."

I found a lot of truth in this article, religious influence aside. I admit to reading up on Judaism lately, especially since it is a religious period - and because I'm going to be Israel next year for ten days with my family. Tony will be attending as well, and I'm very excited for our first trip overseas - especially since it will be in such a potent area. Even though I stopped practicing when I was around twelve or so, I still want to be able to fully appreciate what I'll be experiencing. So far, it's been fascinating - and fun to relearn things I used to know, and believe.

Usually, I don't share links like this - but it really aligns with many things that I already believe, and need to practice.
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