Nov 06, 2006 01:12
Hello World :)
Addicted to watching and playing poker. Who knew? (We have a poker group at work and I won the first tourney, so now I'm all big headed about my luck)... I sucked at it Friday night, but I went all in too fast. I get a little too gutsy sometimes. My luck is usually in the river and and I overestimate my odds when I get lucky a few times in a row. I might quit my day job and just take up poker and play professionally and be a bread winning wife that brings home the bacon and earns 7 figures a year.
The Ball State game yesterday was way too close for my liking. But the tailgating was great and it's even better when you find out you know the people who's lawn you parked in through friends of friends of friends and they let you use their bathroom (because who can really hold if after 6 beers?). I'm just saying...
I'm happy lately. Things are really good. I'm with a wonderful guy. I'm going to Philly and New York on Thursday. They're playing Christmas music 24/7 on WNIC--> (Hoo-friggin-ray!). It's practically Christmas time. My family is planning a trip to Disney World for March. Work's good. Family's good. Life's good. Damien Rice's new cd comes out next week. Even if shit was hitting the fan, I'd still be smiling. (knock on wood for shit hitting the fan)
I even got a 112 in bowling today. (my average is 46). I mean, come on!
Okay, enough. You get the idea.
Goodnight moon.