May 14, 2004 14:13
YAY! Guess what, everyone? I just found out (at our class day today) that I got salutatorian! I was SO completely and totally surprised! (We don't have ranking at our school.) We alll knew that my friend Jennifer would be Valedictorian, esp since she takes Latin so that gives her 2 AP languages instead of 1 and that extra point added into her GPA, but I had no idea that I was even close to anything or anything! I tied for Salutatorian with Elizabeth Jemison, and the Honor person who comes next is Blair Carter.
Whoa, buddy, I really had no idea.
YAY I am really happy. I don't even feel like I need play I am that happy. Wow.
Ok, so it would still be nice.
p.s. i got some other awards, too, including 4-year english and 4-year spanish awards, and those were REALLY cool bc i got plates. yes, pewter plates with the sms 'light and life' symbol and "English (and Spanish) Award 2004"! YAY for plates
wow adrenaline rush. wooowooo! i am still in shock.