Nov 06, 2004 20:46
I really need to start updating my LJ. I've been at college since, what, August 25th? Yeahhhh I have much to tell/much to remember.
As of right now, I am sitting in the Carman basement lounge (Butler library closed on me) studying for my Mind, Brain, and Behavior (cognitive neuroscience) Mid-term # counts for 35% of my grade...yeahhhh and I got a low, low B on Mid-term #1 (which took place the monday after parents weekend and counted 20% of my grade...) so, basically I need to study my ass off for this one...and I am! woo-woo big fun.
I am also, though, listening to all the songs that I have in my itunes that are listed as never having been that's fun! (Ok, let me try to make this a little more fun...; )
Cheesy songs affect me, as usual.