Howard Dean is upsetting me...

Sep 21, 2003 22:42

And I'm not even a big Dean supporter. I'm just a guy who is desperate for some credible opposition to the Bush regime in Washington.

The thing is this. Howard Dean appeared on the cable series "K Street" which is HBO's new "experimental fusion of reality and fiction."

I watched the first 10 mintues or so of the first episode, and it was mostly wallowing the in the less than glamorous underbelly of political promotion, public image crafting and some reveling in the unsavory jockeying-for-position-behind-the-scenes-at-the-PR-firm stuff. Which parts were "real" which were completely dramatized, I don't know. The show mixes real people like Dean, James Carville and Mary Matalin in with a handful of actors, playing D.C. insiders and politicos.

It's an interesing idea for entertainment, but I don't want Dean trying to entertain me. I don't see that any good can come from showing Dean getting coached by Carville, while Carville's cohorts are grousing about what a spotlight seeking, self-interested, glory hog he (Carville) is behind his back. Especially not when Carville's advice to Dean is about how NOT to appear to be exactly what he is, namely, the Dem. frontrunner. It makes all involved look like nothing more than sneaky, self-promoting politicos, more concerned with image than substance. This isn't "West Wing" or "24." The guy is actually running for president. I'm not naive enough to think that there's much difference between "politician" and "self-promoter," but I think displaying it so blatantly can do the man's campaign any good. Feels like handing the GOP a box full of armor piercing bullets, laser sights and sniper scopes.

Anyway, I don't what to hear what Dean says to his handlers in preparation for a debate. I want to hear damn workable budget plan. I want to hear about affordable health care for the working poor. I want to hear a foreign policy that isn't rooted in grade school, playground taunting and dares. I hadn't made up my mind to support Dean, but he had gotten my attention. I've been listening, I was interested, even hopeful, now, I'm not sure what to think of him. Participating in K Street seems like a huge lapse in judgment. The idea that any exposure is good exposure only holds true when you're trying to sell CD's or movie tickets. Besides, I think "Gigli" proved that even the age-old showbiz wisdom isn't always true.

I don't like the way the country is going, but I'm even more disgusted with how disorganized, disjointed and ineffective the Democrats have been since about year six of the Bill Clinton era. Its like they haven't got a clue and have no idea where to get one. The GOPs candidates -- who inevitably become our elected officials -- have just been (excuse the term) bitch slapping them around for years now. With the screw-ups Dubbya has made, there should be at least three or four people ready to chew him up and spit him out. Unfortunately, no one seems to even be stepping up to the table with any authority or confidence. Its just driving me nuts.
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