
Mar 12, 2006 03:22

100 miles...

That's how far I drove to be with my friends and family to celebrate my birthday tonight.

If you truely know a member of the Polley Family, you know that loyalty, and keeping promises are a huge influence on those we hold dear. To break these are serious tresspasses on our character. They are not taken lightly.

Matt, Peggy, Nikki, Wally, Kyle... you have given me a wonderful gift. Jay, David, Colleen, Paul, Maria, Chuck, Jacquie, Stryker... I thank you for the gestures you have given me.

These are the people who have thus far acknowledged me on what I expected to be the best birthday yet. I hope I have not forgotten anyone.

My parents and Kathy... I love you all.

Those of you who have the luxury of time or distance between us are also excluded from my grief.

For WEEKS i have given ample notification. 5 people came though for me tonight 100% that were not bound by blood or family ties.


I always though that maybe I was too quiet about my plans to get enough people to follow through. I was wrong. Clearly there is something about me that makes me transparent enough that people miss what means the world to me... something I have been gracious enough to see in all of you and acknowledge unless circumstance proves impossible.

This is not the first time. I left my home and all of you to build a life that I could one day come back and share with all of you. I asked people to be there for me before I left, 5 of you were at my "going away gathering" over one year ago. Not much of a send off, don't you think?

Several people will be leaving my Friends list. You said you'd be there for me and you were not. This will happen when enough of you have a chance to read this.

What a slap in the face. I have been screwed with too many times now to forgive. I sacrfice so much for those I love and can't get the same in return. Even in the simplest of tasks, like showing up to a birthday party.

I do not hold myself above others, but i know I'm a good person, better than most. So it pains me more than you know to say my last words here. Those of you who know me well, I would hope this stikes a chord, for I am truely hurt beyond repair...

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