more fic rec, you say? ALL THE FIC REC

May 27, 2012 16:35

Title: Fourteen Days (And A Morning)
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin. Nor do I own any of the trademarks I mention.
Characters: Arthur, Merlin, Lance, Gwaine
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, hints of possible Lance/Gwaine
Warnings: Erm, sex? Guys being at it like bunnies?
Rating: NC-17
Length: 18034
Summary: Things will be different. But not yet, because Arthur hasn’t met him yet.

It's a sweet, giddy-in-love kind of romantic story. What I notice in most fics is that there's always some major plot-point or conflict, but in this fic, the constant happy vibes you feel just makes it work! The characterizations and witty dialogue are wonderful and you'll just want to squish A and M together after reading it. :D Very enjoyable.

merlin, fic recs: merlin

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