Two car accidents in one morning. Great start!
First, at a stop sign, I have to turn right onto a busy highway. I am watching the SUV in front of me, and the oncoming traffic. The truck pulls out. There's room for me too. So I go. Turns out the SUV *didin't* go. So I rear-ended it.
I have a hitch-sized dent in my bumper, but everybody's fine.
So, after dropping M off at school... I'm driving to work. Hyper-vigilant now, of course. I turn right onto a country road that takes me west over to the road I take to work. I'm driving about 5 mph below the speed limit, at 40 mph. A big brown blur appears, and before I know it, I've clipped the rear legs of a deer who darted in front of me, from left to right. She didn't even slow down. Neither did I.
I considered turning around right there, and going home. Or checking into the day spa on the lake.
But like a good girl with a work ethic I came to work.
I think I deserve a great big fish bowl margarita tonight! Who's with me?!!