May 01, 2006 08:15
haven't been to sleep yet. Had one of those 3 hour conversations with Bradley that actually started at 3am. I think that we did accomplish alot though. Even though nothing really got solved I said alot of things that I wanted to say and I think he did also. I feel better about it at least. Still feeling shitty about myself, but oh well, I'm gonna try and fix that. I think that I've decided for sure to live at home. I don't think in my emense state of emotional confusion that I can hold a job,pay for a room, go to classes ...ect.I think I'll take a couple of weeks off to regroup myself and not give a damn about anything, and then I'll go get a job. This sounds like a good plan in my head, who knows if i'll stick to it though.Oh well anywho yeah later.