How's you?
Oh, the neighbours are bored, so they are making up rumours about us... again. 9.9
Well, it was annoying because this guy came to the door about it, which is like, the second time in the last few weeks strange rednecks have dared come to my door.
yeah I would call the cops if it comes to harasment
Oh, yeah, definitely. I talked with Z about it & we decided to let this one be a one off and not do anything unless it gets hassely
Guy knocks at my door around 10ish. I was in the shower, so I figured maybe there was water leaking below. He's telling Z "your girl stole my seashells". Z's all "I think you have the wrong apartment and closed the door on him.
So I actually went out to see what was up with this, cos, yannow, in the shower? when this is allegedly happening?
but he claims like, his daughters had come up on their bikes and saw me in the garden making off with his seashells. he's all "I'm going to tell the landlord if you keep doing this."
I'm all wait a whoa- keep!?- I've done this before? he kinda backtracks that and tells me all sorts of people have been stealing from him,
huh wierd
but then he changes his story and claims the girls were inside and were looking out the window and saw me in the yard.
At this point the annoying neighbours in D who have been making up shit for ages come out and insist they saw it too. apparently not only am I stealing things with witnesses- which makes you wonder- I walk slower than molasses, why didn't they just say something or come after me? but see now there's MANY witnesses.
I ask you, if you WERE going to steal something, wouldn't you wait til like, no one was there?
yeah..crazy shit..yeah leave it be and if he harasses you call the rozzers
Well, at this point I did kinda ask him a few questions, since he's basically, you know, taken up the WHOLE garden, including the area under my stairs. He cut down the little tree, and all the privacy hedges (which is probably why people are stealing from him- they can see his kids under there now!) I didn't like him cutting the little tree tho.
He's all "well, no one else was using this space!" you don't ask? but whatev. I said I really didn't like him cutting the tree since I had necklaces up in it. He gets all snippy "all I found in those bushes was SHIT!"
dumb ass
which is also true- people did throw things under the porch all the time, but that's because drunks and people waiting to make drug deals would hide behind the privacy bushes at night. but my necklaces? they may just be plastic mardi gras beads, but they weren't shit...
well, no, so you know me, I actually feel bad for him. He IS trying to beautify things, even if he is getting weirdly territorial with places that ain't his, so I offered to give him some odds and ends for his garden. Now I had two lil beaver skulls that I;m not doing anything with, so I offered him those.
but by the time I get back out with em he's gone. I schlepped aaaaaalllll the way downstairs- again, if anyone IS watching, isn't that proof I can't dash off with much of anything? & tried knocking, but he was upstairs with apt.D gossiping about how evil I am & shit, so I left him those skulls anyway.
To-day the new rumour is that when they came to the door Z pulled a gun on them. I guess they didn't want to seem chickenshit or eggfaced that she just shut the door on them, so they hadta make something new up.
That's what you get there
always creating drama
that's what they do
You need to move
I want to. But I need to find someone in Beacon who can help me look.
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