Jan 23, 2010 22:19
Sometimes i get so tired, i wished i would never get out of my sleep.
Being emotionally exhausted is more tormenting than physical exhaustion. The complexity is enough to strangle you half dead, let alone salvation.
I'm tired, does anyone cares? No. Why? Because everyone's emotional capacity is just enough to keep them running, at least at this pace of modern life.
When people tell me to stop hurting them, do they know that just by saying so, they've just hurt me? Apparently not. Neither do they know they've just injected a ton more woes for me, and there goes my brain power - to try and think of ways to salvage.
Does anyone even know why i love sleeping? Or is it just that same ol' superficial thinking?
But then again, i insist on telling myself, i'm not the worst case ever yet.
I feel like just telling my family the hard times i face in school, and then again, what can they do? Does it really matter? As long as i get many As, go to a good JC, again get many As, get a degree, get a high-paying job (or maybe higher degrees), support them and make them proud, it doesn't matter. After all, all these struggles with money are just to put me through university, which i really dread.
When oh when can i get to live a life of mine? When can i live a life which i can be the happiest in? Everyone, including He, will tell me, now is the time. No, this isn't what i want to pursue.
At 313, i saw this shop that allows you to design your own cake! I wanna make one for myself! >:(