not writing at home

Jan 07, 2007 11:31

I'm finally back on britsh soilafter the christmas holidays spent at my parent's house. It's good to be back, but I just detest the travelling. I've begun to hate flying more and more these past few years. It seems that the more I fly the less I have any stomach for it. And I used to like flying.

It was especially harrowing yesterday when the plane was filled with screaming, snotty nosed children. One in the row in front of me just wondered around and tried to paw at my laptop. And it's not like I can kikc it! Why the fuck don't the parents tie them down or just tranq them?! It's like jesus! do they have to scream bloody murder every sibgle time we change altitude?

Sorry, I'm a bit sressed out.

And I guess as this is a fic hournal I should do some updating on the current writing projects.

I have two Robin Hood fics in the works. One is half written and the other is just in the planning stages. On Van Helsing I have written about 4k on Heart of the Ocean and I have a lot of small ficlets waiting in line.

I just cannot work on any fics right now. I have huge deadlines this coming week and one in a few weeks time as well. Why on earth do they always feel that they have to puch the deadlines together so I will feel as suicidical as possible? I'm so glad that this MA will be over in September. I canot wait to be out of this fucking educational loop.

In other words I will start some fic writing after I'm done with school work.

writing, travel

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