What is is about evil men? Really? Why do we (read. me) fall for the bad guys? Is there something inherently sexy about the people who don't obey the constructed rules of society. Or is it because we want to change what we consider to be evil, into something good. The whole "haven't met the right woman yet"-syndrome.
I've been proof reading the lates fic, and I got back my beta's notes and I quote: (Without her premission!)
and thus she was enlightened of the virtues of evil men, that are more accentuated, contrasted, unlike in good men.. It's quite flattering to have someone be good to you, when you know he's not good to anyone else. makes you feel special
and I think she hit the nail right on the head. The evil men aren't really all evil. I think I personally fancy them because they are evil to OTHER PEOPLE. And I don't often like other people. It's quite horrible of me, really.
It's very different writing Guy of Gisborne because I do not want him to lose the edge, the nastiness, but I can't write romance if he is all nasty. I need to find some kind of balance in order to do justice to his character and thrawt it for my own purposes. On the nastiness aspect I think I'm failing. He is turning to be too nice. He is a completely different beast to Gabriel, who is all in all very good, just misguided when it comes to interpersonal relationships. And Anna would never forgive him for anything, she makes him go the distance and learn the hard way. Marion is a woman of compromises, she would ultimately learn to live with the evil parts of Guy, because she has to. She would not try to change him to his face, but to slowly chip it away. Guy is misguided about relatiosnhips and about women, but he is not good. He is willing to do things, because they need to be done, because of power, because of selfish reasons. But he also loves Marian, and he is so lost on how to express it.
God, this turned into a longer bit than I though. I also wanted to do a little review on The Prestige. If you want to remain spoiler free on that and The Illusionist don't click.
....but hey that's nothing new. I just felt the movie let you down in the end. Justice did not occur. But that's because I consider the lives of two very much feeling women and a huge bunch of birds more worht while than the lives of a 100 clones. That's just me. I did not want Borden to be the victor in the end. He caused the death of two women and was not even punished for it! He lost two fingers, big deal. I wanted retribution, I wanted to see Angier happy, I wanted his sacrifices to have meaning, but alas.. no.
Very early on I started comparing it to the Illusionist even though they were very similar movies, they were the complete opposites. One was about love, about how it endures and survives and how beautiful life can be. The other was about revenge and selfishess and men! The Prestige was above all a film about men and how insane they can be. How obsessive they can get over one another and how pointless it all is. Illusionist made me smile and long for the kind of love and devotion that can excist between two people.
On both films I figured about half way what was going to happend, but with the Illusionist it did not mattern, because I had somany other things to wonder over, so many thing to FEEL over. But this really hindered The Prestige because I did not feel anything. And the only character I felt any kind of connection to was made to be the bad guy. (Again with the evil men). I was thirsty for emotional connection which it never delivered. All in all it was a good movie; it had everything an excelent movie should have, but the different parts just did not connect. I do recommend seeing it for yourselves, because I think this is a film that will divide people a lot.
Also most people don't read films like I do.