Dec 01, 2008 02:36
Ha, I like how I have legitimate LJ posts like, once a month. I should get better at that.
I'm going to sum up things that happened longer ago quickly:
• Russell Brand show? WAS AWESOME. Um...we sat in one of the first few rows and got autographs and pictures later because the club was super small.
• Repo the Genetic Opera IS AWESOME and continues to be badass at theaters that are still playing it. Both of the theaters around here that were stopped for some reason in the middle of last week. :[
• My mom got laid off from her job she had had for about a month. :/ She's been doing a lot of individual work for people and it looks like there's a Rockridge? that sounded interested in hiring her.
• I told my grandmother I had conflicted feelings about my school, and she wanted to know -- I am DIRECTLY quoting -- if people were "picking on me". What. The fuck. Um. No. I have not been 'picked on' since I was ten years old, and I fought back.
• NaNoWriMo is now over...I did not completely finish it, partially due to being a crazy jet-setting fool (I realized the other day that since school has started I have not resided in one place for more than 4 days.) but also because BLARGH I have issues. Which is not old news, but still is something that I have not been able to remedy successfully. Anyway, I am still definitely finishing this particular story. I bought an official shirt for this year and I'm not letting myself wear it until I get to 50K.
I saw Twilight on the opening day with Justin and his boyfriendy-type, David. JACOB AND SONS. SODOM AND GOMMORAH. It was so, so terrible. If it was not based on popular books it would have fucking bombed. It is possibly the most awkward film I have ever seen (I swear the direction for the two leads was probably something like 'Be as awkward as you can. ALL THE TIME.') and it made it even more obvious that Bella and Edward do not have any chemistry as characters. It certainly had its laughable moments though, so that was fun.
Thanksgiving was...typical? I guess. XD I'm not really a huge fan, and it's not even that big of a deal in my family. We go to my grandma's house and eat, and then probably watch movies or something. Additionally there's only like, six of us, and my grandmother is an extremely awkward creature, so Dylan, Mom, and I are all practically having seizures trying to come up with something to do.
Friday I went to go see Bolt with a bunch of people which was SO CUTE. D: After that we went to Maggie Moo's to harass people we knew who work there/eat ice cream, and later meandered to Sarah Guzzaldo's house to watch Hey Arnold! the Movie. Eventually we decided to go on a nighttime adventure and wound up walking to Best Buy. XD ...we're cool. There was fog and everything.
Today I ventured to the Westfield Mall in Sf (Pronounced like 'sif'. It's how the cool kids say it.) to go shopping with Jesse. Mall is large, and very stereotypical of the city it resides in. On the plus side, Beard Papa's is the best chain store-thing ever. (THEY SELL CHOCOLATE FONDANTS. AND ECLAIRS.) Later I visited her dorm which is definitely the most pathetic excuse for a collegiate residence I have seen so far, and then left for home via BART. Not before stopping by the HUEG Union Square Borders and leaving notes in copies of Paper Towns, though. (NERDFIGHTERS *hand symbol spasm*)
why is this so terrible