(no subject)

Jul 10, 2009 15:41


“Samuel Winchester.”

Sam looked up towards where he believed the voice was coming from, but found himself to be alone.  He had believed that his conversation with Dean had gone well.  He had obviously been mistaken in that belief.  He ran towards the motel room’s door and pulled it open.  What he saw outside the room freaked him out.  As he was well acquainted with the supernatural, freaking out was a rare occurrence for him.    There was nothing outside the room but whiteness.  The type of whiteness that held promises of violence.  Slamming the door shut so he wouldn’t have to deal with the whiteness he tried to calm down.

He knew that he hadn’t left the motel room.  That only left him with only one option: he was still asleep.

“Over here.”  The same voice repeated and to his ears, it sounded like he was annoyed.

He looked over to the room’s small kitchen and found himself staring at a man in a suit.  A man that just looked like he was evil incarnate.

The man began to study him like he was an interesting specimen in a petri dish.  “You shouldn’t be here Sam.  It’s wrong in so many ways.  You should be back at college, fucking your way though all of those single men or women.  What you have with Dean is going to send you my way if you keep at it.  What you have with him is so deliciously wrong.”

Ignoring the man’s obvious attempt to rile him, Sam stated, “What I have with Dean is none of your business.”

The demon shook his head in disagreement.  “Dean is just a stepping stone.  He is the person you step on to get further on in life.  He is just an interesting distraction.”

Sam took an angry step towards the demon.  “Dean is exactly what I want out of life.  He is carrying our child.”

“You are still too young to know what you want out of life.  Dean isn’t your life and he never has been.  You are only concerned for him because he carries your child.”

“Why do you have such a vested interest in what I want from life?”  Sam knew he was talking to a demon, but he wanted to know which one.

“On the grand scale of things, Dean is just a blip on the radar.   All of that hunting he does is meaningless.  Nothing he does will ever make a difference, but you are different Sammy.  You are the Winchester who is the most valuable.  You have visions that will make a difference to the world.  Dean will do nothing more than hold you back.”

“Dean is much more important than you realize.  All of the hunting he’s done has made a difference to whatever plans you have made and that scares you.  He is so close to taking down the demon that killed mom and it scares you.”  Nothing the demon told him was going to change his opinion of Dean.

“You really have a bad case of hero worship, don’t you Samuel?  Dean is nothing more than comic relief.”

Pulling in the urge to utter an exorcism spell, Sam replied, “Dean scares you because there is nothing he won’t do to save someone.  He has saved countless lives.”

“The lives he has saved are of no importance.  Dean can’t even manage to protect his own family.  Daddy Winchester is never here.  You left for college as soon as it was possible for you to do so.  You didn’t even contact him for nearly seven months.  Dean is the type of person people will always leave.”

“He is the type of person people will always follow.  They know that there is nothing he won’t do to protect them.  He is loved and well respected by everyone he meets.”

“You really do have it bad for him, don’t you Samuel?  People use Dean because he is so easily fooled by a hard luck story.  He isn’t respected by people; far from it.  They laugh at him.”

“Why are you doing this?”  The longer he was asleep and stuck talking to the demon, the more vulnerable Dean was becoming to whatever attack the demon was planning.

“Why not?”  The demon had plans to screw around with SamWinchester’s life.  When one of the lower level demons had told him about cursing the Winchesters boys, he had been angry to begin with it.  Angry that he would have to deal with the vengeful Winchesters.  Once he had found out the full meaning behind the curse, the anger had disappeared.

“Why would you single me out?  Isn’t there some cult you should be visiting?”

“Why do you assume that it is you I want?  Do you really have such a high opinion of yourself?”

“You keep telling me Dean is worthless.  You told me I have visions that will make a difference to the world.”

Reaching out, the demon raised one long, thin finger and tapped Sam on the side of his head.  “Visions will always make a difference to the world Samuel.  Sometimes that difference is noticeable and other times it isn’t.  You have visions that lay somewhere in-between.  You are unpredictable Samuel.  No one quite knows what these visions are going to do to you.  The Winchester who has my interest is your unborn child.”

“Leave my son alone.”

“It’s interesting that you refer to the unborn as my son.  I do believe that the unborn Winchester is a product of at least two parents.”

“Leave Dean and our son alone.”

“Do you seriously believe I will walk away from you just because of some pathetic demand?  I have plans for that child.  Did Dean tell you about the full details of the curse?”

“Yes.” Sam knew that the demon’s curse had left Dean with the ability to carry their child.  He also knew that the curse would only bring happiness to one of them.

“Are you so sure he shared the intimate details of the curse with you?”  Cocking his head to the side slightly, the demon added with an unholy smile, “Unless he doesn’t know the finer details of the curse.”

“Finer details?”

The demons smile just got wider with Sam’s question.  “Details that your feeble human mind would be unable to comprehend.   You are not meant to have those memories Samuel.  Something will have to be done to remedy that.”

“You can’t take me away from Dean.  He means everything to me.  With Dean by my side, I feel complete. Without him, I feel empty.  You can’t take that away from me.”  Sam knew that he was pleading what was already a lost argument.  The demon wasn’t going to give him what he wanted just because he begged.

“I can do anything Samuel.”  Sam’s begging was pathetic, but it was also entertaining.

“You don’t have to do this.  You can just leave us alone and I promise you that we will never hunt again.”

For a few minutes the demon remained quite.  He looked at Samuel with barely contained glee.  The longer he remained silent, the more hope Samuel would get.  It was going to give him undeniable pleasure to crush that hope.

Quicker than the human eye could follow, he placed both of his hands on the side of Samuel’s head.  He took away all of Sam’s memories of the last week.  He replaced those memories with memories about a week spent in Mexico with college buddies.  Friends that Samuel would be hard pressed to remember if intensely questioned about them.  He gave Sam a hatred of Dean that would only increase with each passing minute.  He then placed a block on Sam’s visions.  Once he had finished, he removed his hands.

Blinking his eyes furiously Sam looked at the demon and asked. “What happened?”

“I just fixed things.  When you wake up Samuel, you need to leave the motel and go back to college.  Forget that Dean exists.  Ignore him, because he is not worthy of any of your time.”

tangled, mpreg, sam/dean, supernatural, slash

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