Jan 10, 2004 17:32
Do I believe in love at first sight?
Part of me wants to say no like most of the other musing I have read, and part of me wants to be the opposite and scream from the roof tops that ‘Yes, I C.J. Cregg believe in love at first sight.”
The first people I ever loved in my life were my parents. No one had to tell me that I loved them, or that I was suppose to love them like a good little girl does; I just knew when I was old enough to understand that these were two people I would always love. There were times growing up when I didn’t want to love them, when I wanted to hate them more then anything, but I never could. Of course, now that I think about it, you really can’t have love without having hate. There are times when you love someone so much you hate them for something they’ve gone and done. My parents are no exception. At five, my father could do no wrong; at thirteen everything he did was wrong. But as I sit here now and watch as my father slowly drifts away, I realize that I love him as much now as I did at five; and I loved him as much at thirteen as I did at five. It’s so hard to sit here and know that he doesn’t remember me or my brothers, that he doesn’t remember who his granddaughter is or that it’s 2004. There are times where he remembers my brothers and me as little kids; when we go and visit and he’ll think we are just people waiting to see someone else and he tells us stories of our childhood. It amazes me to know how much he loved my brothers and me, how proud he was of the three of us. At the same time it hurts so deep inside to know that this disease is eating away at his mind and I wonder just how much a man is suppose to take. How is it fair that a man who dedicated his life to teaching children math, who did nothing more then live his life and love the people who meant the most to him now has to spend the remaining years of his life lost in a vortex, not understanding that the people around him are the ones he’s loved?
Besides my family; the family I was born into and the family I’ve gained with working in The White House; there have been few that I have loved, and none of them were at first sight.