Five from katie_witt

Apr 11, 2004 17:02

1) What ever happened to that secret plan to fight inflation?

Well, it would seem that it got misplaced. That's what happens when it's a secret. I'll have to check with Josh and see if we've developed anything more on that.

2) Off the record, I promise: what ever happened with you and Danny? A bunch of us in the pressroom having a running bet going on about you two

Well, it flares up and then just disappears. Nothing major has happened between Daniel and myself. There's been a few shared kisses, and we have Gail of course, Dinner a few times; and lately we've been talking on the phone since he's not in DC, but other then that, not much. *sighs*

3) You've had that goldfish in your office for a really long time, far longer then a goldfish's normal life span. Have you been replacing it when it dies, or has the government developed a new top-secret longer lasting goldfish?

I'll have you know that that is the same Gail that Danny gave me back in our first term of office. She's been well taken care of since I have a vested interest in her living.

4) What do you think was the worst PR disaster the Bartlet administration has ever faced?

We've faced bad PR? LoL. That I'm not going to own up to.

5) Now time for the toughest question yet. Who is the cutest man in the White House (and is he single)?

Josh - and yes he's single.

You know the drill, if you want five, leave a comment. Even if you've already had five.
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