I am quiting my job.
Well, their lease is up on the 1st of Feb, so we have to leave anyway.
They haven't let me know where they will be re-locating to.
And HELL FUCK no, I will not be working out of no house of THAT man.
I've heard Far to much to get myself in deep like that...
Yeah.. so it will be back to driving to the Grove Every day.
dealing with Flowers day in & day out :P
Now that i've been away from the Grove for so long, I realize how much I like & Miss it.
Well, i FINALLY won ONE.
Just ONE.
Been spending time with Andres. Things are good. He leaves on Tuesday.
Last night I went over & we watched Hostel on the floor and compared bite marks.
That shit was too funny.
Saturday the fam is having a going-away party for him... I think? i'll be there? lol
Friday maybe dinner with Francis & Amy & Lisa?
I miss Ingrid so much.
And here is what has been making my heart so warm lately...
Cause all he wanted for Christmas was his TWO front teeth! Yay!
Fuck you Meng, leave me alone Nani!
Mi Gordo was sleeping when we got to Manolo's... but he woke up, we sat him on a high-chair and he was ear-to-ear happy that he was part of the table with us.. lol.. it was so cute.
I'm teaching him
The District
At the AleHouse the other night
My Coookie MOnster Face
and in other news.
I've been getting these strange bite marks all of a sudden! Hello.. and out of nowhere!
And i'm a newly Brunnette, fuck the light, it was killing my hair.