I noticed earlier this week that, in celebration of my dad and a couple of the other Owners winning spots on the co-op board, someone is organising a potluck in the lobby. There's a sign-up sheet that remained more or less blank until today. Of course my dad signed himself and my mom up for "TBD." (Mmm, I love TBD.) This means that I can't squirrel my way out of this most un-glorious event; I might have to go anyway since they scheduled it for a time when, if I were trying to leave for the afternoon, I'd probably run into it anyway since there's no other way to leave the building. Unless I left early in the morning, I'd have to leave very late given that this thing is probably during that not-quite-late-lunch-not-quite-early-dinner. I'm mostly just hoping that I don't run into a certain someone I will refer to as Resident Evil, an avatar of whom can be found
I've come to realise that no one in my building is single, attractive, or interesting, which kind of defeats the purpose of me attending a potluck mixer. So, I'll be going, but I'm signing myself up for "haterade" because that's really all I'll have to bring to this little brouhaha, especially since my request to join the co-op's Yahoo! Group was denied¹. Haterade goes really well with "TBD," I hear. Don't worry -- I will also bring ice cubes.
To balance out the bitterness, I will mention something good: . . . I got nothin' -- oh wait! One of my co-workers brought back a teeny, tiny glass penguin from Venice and a little thing of Nutella for everyone in my department. It complements the teeny, tiny glass cat that I bought for my ex in Venice, but which I took back after we broke up.
I think right about here is a really good place to end this.
¹Presumably because my answer to the question, "Why do you want to join this group?" was: "Because I live there...?"