Feminism is for pussies. Literally.

Sep 11, 2008 21:51

What? WHAT?

This whole paragraph irks me:

“One reason I live in the leafy suburbs of Philadelphia and have never moved to New York or Washington is that, as a cultural analyst, I want to remain in touch with the mainstream of American life. I frequent fast-food restaurants, shop at the mall, and periodically visit Wal-Mart (its bird-seed section is nonpareil). Like Los Angeles and San Francisco, Manhattan and Washington occupy their own mental zones -- nice to visit but not a place to stay if you value independent thought these days. Ambitious professionals in those cities, if they want to preserve their social networks, are very vulnerable to received opinion. At receptions and parties (which I hate), they're sitting ducks. They have to go along to get along -- poor dears!”

Isn’t she implying that somehow the entire “mainstream” part of the country in between NYC and LA has some other kind of cohesive mental zone? And I think the assumption that everyone who lives in a city is some kind of opinion-less asshole professional out of touch with real American life is extraordinarily obnoxious. Does she want an award for living in the suburbs and doing what everyone else pretty much everywhere does - go to a department store?? Here, Paglia, let me bestow upon thee the CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAD DINNER AT TACO BELL Award.

Also, I think that Sarah Palin’s life thus far has been far from standard, simply because I don’t think the average person is interested in or capable of being a relatively successful politician. I just don’t. And I’m not a feminist (at least not by this woman’s standards), but I don’t think that being uncompromisingly against things that would empower women (e.g. the right to choose) is terribly feminist. Not admitting you made a shitting decision isn’t really something to be lauded, either. Killing animals for sport isn’t exactly a noble cause either - I don’t care if it’s a lady pulling the trigger. Holding up Sarah Palin as the true American feminist is problematic for so many reasons and I accuse her supporters of not fully considering the ramifications of how what she believes in and how she’ll perform (see her similar accusation re: liberals & abortion - hey lady, some people don’t think a fetus is a human being…sorry!). Woot for a lady VP! But any lady VP? Just like I wouldn’t want any black president, I wouldn’t want just any lady president or vice president.

This whole time I’ve been thinking of that line from Anchorman where Paul Rudd is like, “I like the ladies! I love the ladies! BUT THEY DON’T BELONG IN THE NEWSROOM!” Oh, hahahaha.

Back to another thing… so anti-abortion… pro-execution? I just don’t get that. So every human life is worthwhile from the point of conception… until you fuck it up by killing someone? What about the implications of capital punishment on societal values as they relate to what is or is not an execution-worthy crime? Where do you draw the line?? And let me be ridiculous for a second: if you abort a fetus, I mean baby - you are a child-killer. Do you get the chair then? Oh wait, no… does that logic only apply to the child after it has been born? Or is killing a fetus/baby not as bad as killing a toddler? I wish she would elaborate. I’m being extremely nitpicky, but if you’re going to write laws based on that logic, I think you should be completely clear. I wonder what her stance is on medical research.. . wouldn’t that fall under the “interfering with biological processes” banner?

Lastly, what kind of salt-o-the-earth American uses the word "nonpareil" in any sentence, especially in reference to birdseed.

Okay… I’m done. Ugh. I’m so annoyed. Other than that, today was pretty great. It was Cake Thursday (today it was vanilla/almond essence cake with coconut whipped cream frosting) and I found BATTLESHIP (the board game) on one of the take shelves. I also got a copy of The Secret Scripture by Sebastian Barry from one of the editors. I heard it was one of the best books this year from a lot of people, so that's pretty damn great. Winnity, win, win.
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