These cats dont know who I be...

Jul 09, 2007 21:40

They really dont, though. Therefore, I officially give up on befriending the upwards of 7 street cats that live on my block and finally stopped having atrociously loud sex earlier this week (the cats, not me - I have some class). They're such a-holes; I dont even know why I wanted to be friends with them in the first place. I bet they have all kinds of worms.

I'm excited for my job interviews tomorrow. One is a mystery job probably as a receptionist or something for a cancer research firm? conglomerate? I'm not sure what they call those and it seems wrong to call them businesses, even though that is basically what they are. The other job would be as a studio artisan for this woman who makes fancy glass candleholders and pillows. I'm really gunning for that job. That interview is first, so hopefully she will give me the job right away so I wont have to bother with the later-scheduled lame interview. If she gives me one of those "I'll call you back later" deals, I figure I'll just get a fun pass and maybe ride around on the 2 (more consistently air-conditioned) to kill the couple hours of downtime. I love shelling out my negative dollars on fun passes. I laughed when fun passes first came out, but actually, I really do always have fun with them. Then I dont get pissed off at wasting two bucks when I get off at the wrong stop. Anyway, I really hope I get this job. I never hope for very much, but this I'm literally crossing my fingers for. Maybe she'll be impressed by my hunger, both metaphorical and actual (because I have no money, in case you didnt know).

Let me express diffuse anger towards my sister on two separate issues. The first being her stupid dog, Pepper, who is the worst dog I've ever met. She's not just bad at being a good dog, but she's bad at being a dog in general. She's completely disloyal, she curls up in little spaces like a cat even though she's easily five times the size of one and she's incredibly stupid for a lab. She sort of does tricks, but I cant even really give her any points for those because she just does them all at once so she can get her treat. If you ask her to "shake", she'll stick out her paw, sit, and lay down before leaping up to bite your fingers off. This dog sucks. And she shits everywhere all the time and smells like rotten garbage. I dont care if she's cute, smelling like Satan's BM after a night of the heavy drinking of Old E, getting high and eating massive amounts of 4-day-old microwaved Indian take-out is hardly masked by cute floppy ears.

Oh, yeah, the second issue. So I make jewelry and thought that it might be fun to go to the bead store in town when she came to visit me last Thanksgiving. I wanted to be a good teacher and show her what things are and how to use them without stifling her creativity (which in regards to crafts is honestly pretty low). The result was her picking out some very nice stones with my help, but using them to make an ill-conceived necklace. When I taught children how to make things, I always tell them that they did a good job if they got close enough to the mark where they could hit it if they really wanted to. The kids who did badly I praised for having a create idea, but then I told them that I'd help them make their idea even better. I didnt know what to tell my then 25-year-old sister, so I just told her it was nice. But, just like her, she kept bringing up how cool she thought her necklace was and how we should go into business together and awesome her first foray into the land of jewelry-making was. This is the kind of stuff that pisses me off so eventually I kept dropping hints that it wasnt that great and that I would eventually have to fix it. Back story. Months later (yesterday) she brings me her precious necklace and wants to take it apart and make her a different necklace with the stones. I say fine and because I dont know how to make anything half-assed, I spend all day making her freaking necklace. I had a few stones left over because I had made it to fit my neck, which I now realise is considerably smaller than hers. Now she wants me to make matching earrings. I'll do it because I have no valid excuse not to, but I'll be bitter. And I know that the necklace doesnt really fit her that well, so I should extend it, which I might not do because it'll be obnoxious. It would be one thing if she paid me. She should pay me for living with her stinky-ass dog. It farts a lot, too.

Anyway, pictures of the necklace (and, no, I couldnt find anything better to take pictures of it on besides my leg):

My anger is also directed at the rest of my family for not cleaning up and shorting out the electricity every hour. Unless my dad or I do so, used pots and pans sit around piling up on the counter (not even in the sink). Now, because it's close to 100 degrees, their science projects are stinking up the kitchen to high heaven, which doesnt matter for anyone else because they have their own rooms but which matters to me because I live in the living room and have to smell moldy creatures in addition to that stinky dog.

I'm also angry at the people upstairs for still not having fixed their pipes yet. Their leaking bathroom is destroying the wall in our bathroom above our tub, causing mold and other disgustingness. Apparently a couple of mushrooms popped out of the wall to shatter on the bottom of the tub. That is the only explanation I have to account for the hole in the paint and the broken mushrooms. I had suspected that something was growing out of the wall Saturday, but I wouldnt have guessed it would be some mushrooms. But then again that kind of stuff happens here all the time.

This is why I need get a job. So's I can move out. Basically, a big thumbs down to my home. Great, the power just shorted out again.

thumbs down, jewelry

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