Threatening You - For the Cure

May 31, 2009 13:25

The wonderful and talented aisheyrukitsune and lil_red_1 are blogging for the cure.

The mighty fidgety is blogging for a cure.

The magical moonstone_fae is blogging for the cure.

Some random chick named tru2myart might be involved in this thing too. Not sure.

I've seen a couple people posting links, which is great. If you can't contribute money (and a lot of us can't right now all things considered) posting a link and/or letting people know about it is still a really good thing.

Anyone can do it after all. Look, even *I* can do it, and everyone knows if there's a way to mess something up I am going to find it!!!

So stop being lame and DO SOMETHING. Donate, post a link to it. Something.

Yeah, I know it's Sunday. But your choice is simple. Do something OR spydielives is going to move in with you *FOR A WEEK*.

You think I'm joking. She totally will. It might seem like a pleasant visit for the first day, but after a *week* your therapy bills are going to be off the charts!!!

You will be wondering "Why didn't I just click that button or post a link or do ANYTHING other than opening my door to find her with a sleeping bag and a grin that made me a little uneasy???!!???"

Relay for Life donation page

blogging for the cure

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