What's your price for flight?

May 30, 2009 11:17

Last night I did something so shameful, so full of craptastic magic that I should never admit it to another human being.

Not only am I doing just that - I'm doing it online and *as a public entry* as part of "The Shakedown for the Cure". Why? To get your money!! Give it now!!!

Oh come on, we're fighting CANCER! Or someone is. . . or walking. Or walking against cancer. OR at least tru2myart and her daughters are!! I'm just randomly blogging, and threatening people!!!

What did I do?

What could possibly deserve *this much* of an introduction?

You are sitting down right?

No? Why are you reading your LJ standing up??? *(U&)__(*( stupid blackberries and iphones. . .

OK. Just be prepared. . .

I went to Taste of Pinellas.

There, not so bad right? Good food and I was hanging out with a friend of mine, so good (or at least tolerable) company.*G*

We saw Night Ranger.

I can now cross that off the "really funny things to do before you die list".

There you go - Night Ranger.

That's got to be worth some money!!!

The direct link to give is:
Relay for Life donation page

or if you just really, really like paypal for some reason - Here's the paypal button link:

If you can't give - spread the word. Or give *and* spread the word.

OR, if you'd just rather me *stop* posting about it - give and mark your donations "STFU Gary - for the Cure". The more donations marked that way the less I'll be bugging you, and anyone who knows me well enough knows that I am *more than capable* of bugging the crap out of you!!!*G*

blogging for the cure

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