Mar 17, 2002 17:18
It's five on Sunday, I'm watching Sister Act II and I thought I'd procrastinate some more and not do my Algebra! I can't wait until next year when I'm living in a house and I have more than one small room to hang out in! I can't wait to have a kitchen that's not disgusting with drinking funnels in it and food that's been out on the counter for who knows how long. I can't wait to be able to sleep when I want to, to not have people drunk and screaming outside my door at all hours of the night, I can't wait to not have to take the bus every morning and worry about eating with my friends because that means that I have to wait for the buss out in the night by myself. I can't wait until next year. I just can't wait!! I guess I'd better go do some Algebra so that I can get to next year!