Such a nice weather it was today, ^.^
and a Great weather to go outdoors for once, and take some pix at the Keukenhof while the furries are in town ^.^
pictures are taken on sunday 12th of april 2009
56K Warning ! - the items hidden behind the LJ-cut are mainly pictures, so beware, and dont say i did'nt warned you >.>
Furries i've photographed today: =^.^=
Dizzle + Sheppy ^.^ | V
personally i think this shot looks best of them all ^.^ | V
Dizzle + Buddy | V ^
please note that some pictures still will need a little Cropping ^.^
mine! ^ | V
// i've taken more pictures i put on here, but most of them are of moderate quality, so meh, i did'nt bother putting them up :p
//.2 i resized all pictures to thumbs of 300x300 to improve loadertimes, for the full shot, rightclick on the pic and select copy image location (and the rest is pretty obvious :p )
My Greatest thanks Fly out to Troetel Koala and Shay for doing so much effort.
This is Claudy...
Signing off.. :_)