Nov 05, 2008 18:25
I've been looking forward to the MTV EMA's for a loooooong time. Let's see... I've been there since nominations started! I happily nominated Linkin Park, Tokio Hotel and the Ting Tings among others. I was very happy when LP was nominated for Rock Out n Headliner, TH for BEST ACT EVER (we are a crazy fandom, we'll get this one for the boys!) and Headliner (sadly it was against LP T-T) But my current crush on the Kaulitz twins beat the guilt of leaving Mike and Chester and Mr Hahn and Phoenix to fare without me (so self-centered, gosh) I was a bit confused for the Rick Astley nomination for Best Act Ever and even more confused when neither Nirvana nor The Beatles nominations got through at the same category (I mean it's NIRVANA and Liverpool is the Beatles hometown! *iz confoosed*) I kept voting for the Ting Tings for UK act and was disappointed when they didn't make it past nominations, so I moved on and voted (occasionally) for the Kooks (like them enough) and again my fav didn't make it... Leona Lewis won for the UK Act. I so started to vote for Nightwish! (Finland's Act)
and there was more disappointment to come... Katy Perry is the hostess (I was shocked/startled/WAT/pissed/outraged)
Anyway moving along... I voted daily for TH and LP, it's even in a widget in my facebook that I love 'em and wished them to win, after a while your fingers vote on their own and you can zone out. Up until a week ago, I had quite forgotten that MTV Europe does NOT broadcast to Latin America (stupid, I know) so when I realised that lil fact I fretted! How was I going to see the show? Once I calmed down I remembered MTV Latin America transmitted Los Premios via a livestream at the official web page. So I hoped that MTV Europe would do the same and checked and YES! There will be live footage! The fangirl in me squee'd like Bill had just winked at her.
Today I went shopping for the supplies to the next lab of my favourite course (Food Technology) we were going to make cans of beans&bacon (I don't like 'em but the older students swear it's EPIC!YUMMY) so we can learn the fine process of canning/sterilization. I was laughing with a friend and told her how weird it was to shop in advance as the lab was on Friday. She looked at me funny and told me it was re-scheduled and was for tomorrow. I swear I almost died right there. Due to the different time-zones the canning lab was at the same time as the EMA's!!! I was crushed (see mood that quite fittingly features Mary being cuddled just the way I should have been a bit ago) until I remembered that the teacher loves me. So, I think I'll just skip the bloody lab ^^