Nov 12, 2007 21:25
I'm in a foul mood, and I have so much to catch up on. Like my really stressful and exhausting weekend. And this post is just way behind. So I'll have to do it day by day. Starting where I really left:
Thursday- I take back every horrible thing I said about my new AR teacher, Diane. Remember how I wasn't ready for exams and legit thought that I was gonna fail? Well after handing in my paper 10 minutes after the exam started, because I didn't know a damn thing I was doing, so I decided to give up, an astounded Diane took my paper and told me that I couldn't leave, because it was still too early. So she just took my paper and looked it over, while I watched her growing horror as she skimmed through my paper. She must have been so shocked at the nonsensical answers I wrote. So she took me aside, and asked if I had done any of the reading at all. So I told her the truth, which was a big fat, um, NO. So while the others finished up with their papers, she tried to simplify stuff and explain everything to me, but unfortunately I still didn't know a damn thing, so she told me to go back to my seat and take a second shot at it. And when she saw I was still being frustrated by it, she told me she was not gonna turn in the paper to the admin or whoever it is that corrects it, and she'll give me yet another chance to write it! I mean how amazing is she to give me another shot like this??? What other teacher would do that? So yeah, I can officially not anything bad about her anymore. So I was determined this weekend not to blow this chance, and do some serious studying, but as of course that got kinda sidetracked because of the tragic death of Debbie and Shakti's father. That same night, I went with Sherrie-Ann, Fonz, Aunt Rooks and Satesh to the wake. And OMG, it was legit sadness all around as expected. Debbie was inconsolable, Shakti didn't seem to be taking it as hard as Debbie, but you know they say, we all handle our grief in our own ways. And Savi seemed somewhat normal as well. Also at the wake was Reishma and Roger. As well as Reishma and Sarvesh's parents. Reishma seemed legit happy to see me, dispelling the suspicions I had that her and Roger were mad at me for some reason. We got a chance to catch up a bit, even though Sherrie-Ann totally tried to worm her way into our convo, getting me even more pissed when she kept saying the most inappropriate things. Ugh. It didn't help matters when Cindy and Ravi showed up, much to my pleasant surprise, but to Sherrie-Ann's disdain. We were at a wake, but yet Sherrie-Ann didn't let that stop her from letting her hatred for Cindy show. So I was sooo relieved when Satesh started kicking up a fuss and Sherrie-Ann and Fonz left early to put him to bed. The air felt sort of lighter, even through the sad circumstances. Know what I mean? Anyway, it was really heartbreaking seeing Debbie so sad. UGH. It broke my heart.
Friday-It was Divali. Sadly nothing much to say about the holiday,since I one of the most boring Divali's I've experienced like in ever. In a nutshell, was invited for lunch at Aunt Merle's, before going to Chris' prayer service, and hanging out at their place for a bit, before coming home and grabbing a shower, before going to hang at Sherrie-Ann and Fonz. Not that I was a hypocrite, but I was invited. Sherrie-Ann got on my nerves though, when she started to bad mouth yet another Cindy, this time Cindy Ann, when she saw Cindy Ann and Dinesh coming up the road. I didn't let her nasty attitude stop be from striking up a conversation with Cindy Ann, and wishing her a Happy Divali. I don't know what Sherrie-Ann's problem is with her. Then again she has a problem with everyone. Oh and it freakin rained for like the first time that I could remember on Divali, totally putting a kabosh on the light fest and the normal thing of everyone hanging out at the streets. Ugh, so effin boring. Even hanging out again at Varma's that night, was pretty uneventful. Oh well, there's always next year..
Saturday-I went to Deb's again, this time with Sharon and Lisa for a ramayan. I even got into the singing parts. Who'd have thunk it? BUT OMG, seeing Debbie and Shakti hanging on to each other, and Debbie breaking down while the pundit was talking, and Cindy wiping the tears from Debbie's eyes. OMG, that was so hard and sad to watch. Anyway, after the service was over, we were preparing refreshments, and OMG, with me, Lisa, Cindy, Shakti, Ravi and Sarvesh in the kitchen, even under these circumstances, there was definite laughs had. With Cindy trying to make coffee with a pot of water for a bunch of anxious men waiting downstairs, to be sneaking in another small plate of food(gah, I've eaten so much this weekend, I already feel like an elephant) to us just trying to lighten the mood. It felt good you know? Us together, even under these horrible circumstances. That same camaderie was also moved to the living room, where we just comforted Debbie, with me trying to make Shakti laugh by being my kooky self, and Lisa and Cindy making fun of my crush on Sarvesh. I can tell you this, ALL of us in that living room together, just hanging out, just felt right and good, and like old times. It was like when we were kids and all hung out together, well minus Ravi and Sarvesh of course, but the rest of us. And it felt nice. Too bad it took Uncle Kenny's passing for all of us to come together again. *sigh*
Sunday-The funeral. As expected it was really heartbreakingly sad. After the service at Deb's house, we went down to the cremation site in Waterloo, at the Temple by the Sea, where he was to be cremated. And OMG, it killed me seeing Debbie and Shakti crying. And then Cindy and Lisa crying. And OMG, the four of the girls just held on to each other and cried. I think they cried more than anyone else. And all of us were just huddled around each other, comforting each other, it was seriously devastating. Honestly a day and a half later, and I still can't get that image out of my head. *sigh* Then after the funeral, I needed to hitch a ride back home, since everyone else were going separate ways, so I went with Cindy's other Ravi, haha, her ex and his wife Nadia. And on the way home they decided to pick up their son Zachary to take him for a ride as well, so I got to meet his son for the first time. Such a cutiepie. And I also got chatty with Nadia, and she seemed like such a nice girl. Her and Ravi make a cute couple. I had forgotten how awesome Ravi was and how nice it was to catch up with him. He didn't drop me home straight however. We stopped off at the bar he and Nadia owns in Tunapuna, and while little Zachary was upstairs visiting his grandmother, Ravi's mother, Ravi ended up getting me somewhat thrashed. We ended up having a few drinks together-well more accurately Ravi kept giving me beers, and I had about four-so it didn't take me long to get tipsy, especially since I hadn't eaten since that morning, so I was drunk off my ass in no time. I really like I was gonna pass out. Thank goodness they dropped me off before I could. I even spilled a few beers here and there. That's how wasted I was. So when I came home it didn't take me long before I passed out on the couch. And apparantly I missed a bunch of calls from Lisa and Cindy who were wondering if I had gotten home ok from the funeral. So who would have thunk it, that I would start of the day on such a somber note..and end it being out of it, drunk?!
So yeah that was pretty much my loooooong weekend. From Thursday to now. Today wasn't much of anything. Just stayed home, and recuperated from the stress that was the last few days. Oh but the worst thing about today is that my VCR seems to be busted! I have no idea what is wrong with it, but I am legitimately freakin out because this means when I'm out I can't tape my shows-as in AMC and OLTL-thank God for that girl that posts each episode of GH in it's entirety on YouTube, so if I miss an episode, I could always catch up with it there and keep up with it there. But I am legit worried about missing my other two soaps, especially OLTL, which has just been must-see tv lately! I don't know what to do. I might have to buy a new VCR which I really don't want to do, but what choice do I have. le sigh. Anyway, like it or not, it really looks like I'll be missing out on AMC and OLTL for the next couple of days. *tears*.
hanging out,