Oct 07, 2007 23:47
Ugh, I have so much crap to get done it's not even funny. I have clothes to pack, dishes to wash, laundry to do. I'll probably be doing 2 out of those 3 things tonight. Whatever, blah. So anyway...the weekend's come and gone, and even though it wasn't the most entertaining of weekends it wasn't as dreadfully dull as last weekend, thank goodness! I actually hung out with Debbie, Sarvesh and Cindy yesterday. We went to MovieTowne to catch a movie, and OMG I have to say, the movie we saw The Assasination of Jesse James was practically the WORST AND MOST BORING MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN!!!! Seriously, it was so boring, slow and just all around awful. I kinda hated Sarvesh after for dragging us to see such a crapass movie. Seriously! That boy's points of awesomeness went down DRASTICALLY in my book. And like I needed another reason to hate Brad Pitt? After seeing that movie, I honestly wished that Brad and Casey Affleck would never make another movie ever again! So awful. Jeremy Renner from Angel was in it though. That was the 1 AND ONLY good thing about that flick. Seriously, at one point I thought I actually had died, and I was hell. Hell being stuck watching this movie, that seemed to have no end in sight. I don't know about Debs, Sarv and Cin, but that's 2 and a half hours of my life that I still want back! Okay, end rant. Just had to get that out, and release that pent up rage from yesterday,lol. But annnnyyyway, moving on, after the movie, Sarvesh was feeling a bit sick(and not just from watching the film, haha, okay I'll stop now), so instead of going for drinks as we had planned, we decided to go home. Of course, we had to drop Cindy off first, so we had to go all the way to Chaguanas, which was a nice car ride. And I got to see Angelina, Aidan, Ravi, Patsy and Chris, which was nice. Then on the ride back, we were already making dinner plans for the next week or possibly the week after, because we have to make up for the awful time we had at the movies. But honestly, even though the movie was beyond torture, just hanging out, the four of us together, made my weekend.
Today though, was just okay. Went over to Aunt Merle's because she had a prayer service. Went after of course,lol. So I had lunch with her, Aunt Rooks, Chris and Surin. Well Surin didn't eat with us, because he had eaten before, so he just sat at the table and talked. Then when I came home after, Surin accompanied me, unfortunately. But even though I can't stand Surin most of the time, I am finding him somewhat tolerable these days, and we did have a bunch of LOLs looking at Chris Crocker videos online. That guy is effin hilarious! And that was pretty much my day really. Spent the rest of the evening watching the last 2 episodes from Grey's Anatomy season 1 DVD set, killing time online, watched tonight's Desperate Housewives(which btw, I am totally LOVING this season! 2 episodes in, and it's by the best I've seen of the show for a long time. Yay! For my interest being renewed in this show!) and Brothers and Sisters.
And that's been pretty much my weekend. Now for the start of a new week...Fun. Oh and I forgot to mention General Hospital: Night Shift is being released on DVD next year! Am I totally lame, that even though I've seen every episode of the show, I still want to own the DVDs of NS? LOL! Yeah I know...I'm a lame ass.
general hospital: night shift