Oct 15, 2010 10:52
I have an appetite for growth in every way. I have come to an understanding that my spiritual growth is the most important. The way you feel on the inside determines how you approach every situation. I find that I'm not always where I want to be but in times of doubt I return to the knowledge that I have and the tools that will help me get back to the breath, the love, the compassion, and essentially the growth.
Judgment is always a huge one. We see the people around us making decisions that we may not agree with and we analyze them. In one instance it's wonderful to have examples we can learn from but determining when the learning stops and the judgment begins is what makes the difference. I've always had this person inside of me that wants to save people from themselves and the choices they make. I've felt that if I can help get them on the "right" path then I will have done my duty. My new understanding is that each person's journey IS there right path. The lessons they learn through the situations they put themselves through because of their choices is what gets them steps closer to their spiritual height. The saving is meant to be saved for ourselves. We are the only person that can make a difference in our own lives.
Envy is the root of poison. Competition in life is good for our determination to be better, to get better and to reach our full potential. But wanting what other people have is never a good thing. We were each given our own path for a reason. We are right where we should be and as long as we accept that and live within that reasoning we will flourish on the path that belongs to us. Having what others have whether it be relationships, materials/toys, money, fame, whatever it may be is not real. The only way it seems better is because we put a false realtiy to what we think they feel for having those things. Behind the glossy pictures of perfection there is still the same journey for happiness.
So we continue to push on. Through thick and thin we persevere and make change so that our choices reflect the being we have in our head. Once our head, heart, and soul connect that reality will soon manifest what we have in our own lives. But the work never stops because once we get to that point then there is a whole other level of connection with our higher self to achieve. The cycle continues but the easier and faster it gets. It may seem like work at the time but it's the work that gives us purpose and fulfills us as human beings. It's wonderful!!