Bored again!!!!

Aug 17, 2005 20:36

Last night was sooo funny I took Dixie for a walk and Chelsea ran into me. We talked for a couple minutes and all of a sudden this deer crossed the road. Where I live theres a whole bunch of deer and cars! It was like Bambi and then 2 baby deer came out. Chelsea stopped her bike and she was like cross cross baby deer but she and my dog scared them away. What kind of mother deer leaves her children across the road? Nothing special happened today. Lindsey is leaving Sunday. I got mad at her today she ate some of my chewy bars. Grrr. The only exciting thing that happened was my Thin Man box set came in the mail today. The mail lady came to your door and my dad was like its my curtin rods, I'm like no wait its an amazon box! Woo hoo!!!! 7 DISCS!!! I took Dixie for a walk and to show how much I apperciate my school I let my own dog (who is like my child) pee on the school lawn. It is very sad that school will start in about a week. I am sad! Well my mom is having her game night tonight. Basically all her friends from work come over and play games. Board games, card games you name it they play it. It is very amusing sometimes listening to them swear and talk about random things. Well I going to go away! Toodles! Later tonight I am going to have some ice cream and dig in while watching Sex and the City and some Family Guy! What a night! Good night!
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