(no subject)

Aug 17, 2005 16:49

For a little over a century now, our top political, industrial, and military leaders have been meeting at a place in Northern California known as Bohemian Grove. They like to cover it up like it's a big resort or something, which most Americans would believe because they are rich and like to take a lot of vacations. In fact, the things these people do are pretty sick and wierd. For example, they like to gather together at dusk in the middle of a bunch of redwood trees by a lake. The people sit on one side of the lake and on the other side there is a 45-foot stone Owl idol. These fuckers actually worship this owl. It's representative of the ancient god of Babylon known as Molech. Molech was worshipped in Greece, Syria, and eventually in Europe by druids thousands of years ago. Molech is found quite frequently in the Old Testament of the bible. Anyways, They gather together in this worship ritual known to them as the "Cremation of Care" in which they perform a simulated sacrifice in effigy to the god Molech in order to release the cares of the world that are put upon their shoulders so that they can have a spiffy time there all weekend, running around naked, drinking, and fucking gay adult film stars. You probobly think I'm making this shit up. I'm not. Here are some pics:

Basically, this is a picture of the Owl statue and the high priests, preparing for the ceremony.

This is the part where they light the sacrifice on fire. Note that in ancient times, the sacrifices were very young children and they were thrown into a pit of fire by their own parents. This sacrifice could have also been real, the picture was actually captured from a film made by Alex Jones, who sneaked into the Grove to get this important footage on film. I still can't believe this stuff.
Here are some pics taken from a Bohemian Grove annual given to members every year:

Here is a picture of Helmut Schmidt, former chancellor of Germany, making a speech here at the grove:

You should all take note, that The Bush family, including Prescott Bush(W's Grandpa, a nazi-loving facist traitor), George HW Bush, and W himself quite often attend. Not to mention Alan Greenspan, Karl Rove, Arnold Scwartzenegger, Colin Powell, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, Howard Taft(back in the day), etc. If you're a die hard republican, you're a fool. If you're a die hard democrat, you're being fooled. They are the same bunch of guys. John Kerry is George W. Bush's cousin. This is not made up. Prescott Bush was in charge of several companies in the early 1900's that dealt with everything from Nazi money laundering to impoting German spies to America, even recruiting for the Third Reich itself! Not suprisingly, he was never charged. Prescott Bush, The DuPont family, J.G. Wentworth, and a few others were big time nazi supporters, they even tried to assasinate FDR and take over the country. Again these are not lies. Schwartzenegger wants to be president. Bush Sr. told everyone that he would be. Currently, there are constitutional laws prohibibting that, but the way W and his crew are butching the constitution everyday, taking away our rights and freedoms, Ahnold may be president. Arnold Schwartzenegger is from Austria, so was his father, Gustav Schwarzenegger who happened to be a S.S. Officer. Gustav was an evil man who personally hunted down hundreds of U.S. soldiers and killed them. Anyways, enough backstory, let's get to the present.

In 1933 there was a raging fire that broke out in Reichstag, Germany that quickly burnt the city down. Hitler and his goons told the German public that is was caused by Russian Communist Terrorists in order to scare them shitless. Hitler understood that if he kept the people afraid, he could do pretty much whatever he pleased, including invading other countries. In 2001, some "terrorists" flew a few planes into the world trade center. If you've seen Fahrenhiet 9/11, you know that Bush really didn't look too surprised, in fact he just kept reading the story about the pet goat. He is using the exact same plan that Hitler used to control the people of Germany in 1933. The U.S. government is trying their best to create a new world order. One under complete military control, where no citizen will be free of the cameras. Big Brother? Oh yeah. It's going that way, and there's very little we can do to stop it. Obviously, we can't vote our way out of it, we all know they control the vote, so I guess it's best if we just pray about it. Because it looks like we're totally fucked.

If you want to view some of the videos that I watched to get this information, go to www.INFOWARS.com. The guy that makes these documentaries is a man by the name of Alex Jones. Search for his movies online somewhere, I strongly reccomend Martial Law and the Dark Secrets of Bohemian Grove.
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