new (first!) member

Apr 06, 2004 15:07

xo - NAME : Elaina
ox - AGE : 16
xo - CITY : Poughkeepsie, NY
ox - A LIL ABOUT YOURSELF : 16, I play guitar and do all the things most teenagers do... Just have fun.. I try to be pretty original, and creative in everything I do.
xo - WHY ARE YOU A CLASSY BROAD: The school I go to I have to wear skirts and 'dressy' clothes, and I like to have fun with it and express myself with what I wear, although who I am inside is more important, but I try to express personality through what I wear. Which means I don't always wear or look like the "vogue models", but I like to be myself.

Im on the far left in the last pic.
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