Jul 27, 2005 00:05
today me and adam went to walmart to pick up some icecream and some candy and some red bull and the cashregister aladan guy was gone for like 10 minutes while we were in line and the lady infront of us was like " he better hurry up i need to eat cause i have diabetees and i need to eat soon" and the lady with the diabetees worked there and adams like "lets just form are own checkout" and she's like "no im on break" and adams like "just go ahead and eat" and she's like "no ill get fired" and so we're waiting and waiting finally the alladin guy comes back and is checking everybody up then its our turn and the total came out to be 10.90 and adam had a ten and these coins that are worth a dollar so he hands the coin to the guy and the 10 dollar bill and one of the corners was ripped off so the alladin guy's like " can i take this if it ripped?" and the lady behind us was like "i think" and he's like thinking hard about what he should do and so he goes
"i need to ask a walmart manager about this " so we wait for like 5 minutes and just leave and we' were just like he can keep the dime.