Dec 20, 2008 20:11

Ahh. I'm sad. I'm scared. I'm anxious. I'm worried. I'm feeling a lot of things as I'm putting together my applications and such for universities.

I'm so frustrated cause I'm so picky. The programs I really want to get into are far (Waterloo). The perfect one for me would be Schulich's BBA program because York is close to here and the program is REALLY really good .. but requirements are averages of like 90%+, eek. I would absolutely love to get into that. I kinda really want to stay here.

Hmm .. if I really want to go to York, I'm gonna have to be serious about being a nerd. If I ace the last tests in my two maths this semester then ace the exams for them and my business course, I could easily get high 80's or low 90's. Then I just gotta give 110% throughout my second semester! I think that's what I should do .. yes. =) Otherwise, off to Waterloo I go (and possibly live on res?)! U of T St. George & UTM are my back-ups if I don't get into ANY of the ones I really want to go into. =\

So here's the list of programs I think I'm applying for:

Wilfrid Laurier University/Waterloo
- Business (WLU) and Mathematics (UW) (joint program - double degree)

Wilfrid Laurier University
- Business Administration

University of Waterloo
- Accounting and Financial Management - Financial Management
- Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management

York University
- Business Administration (Schulich)

University of Toronto - St. George
- Accounting (Rotman)

University of Toronto - Mississauga
- Accounting

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Growing up is so hard. =(

*university, *public

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